How long will marijuana stay in your system

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Health Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “How long will marijuana stay in your system”,you can compare them.

There is almost no Delta-9-THC left over a few hours after smoking marijuana. Marijauna use may still be detectable for weeks. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long will marijuana stay in your system
Well if that’s all it could be detected for about two or three days, you can pass it if you take a dosage of b-12 vitamins and three glasses of water stay hydrated with water. Everybody has different ways of making a home remedy but this is…
Well if that’s all it could be detected for about two or three days, you can pass it if you take a dosage of b-12 vitamins and three glasses of water stay hydrated with water. Everybody has different ways of making a home remedy but this is…
It depends quite a bit on the individual person, how often you’ve smoked, how much you smoked, and what type of drug test is used. Overall, detectable traces of marijuana can stay in your system anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months after the l…

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How long will Marijuana stay in your system?
Q: Some say that first-time smokers only stay positive for drug tests for a couple of days.Is this true?If I only smoked two joints, how long would it take before I am purged?Approximately?Thanks.
A: There are a couple of factors that play into it. How much you have smoked for how long is important. First timers probably wont hold the thc very long. I do testing on my clients– the chronic (heha) ones can test at over 1000 ng. The random smokers can test around 50 and be clean in a few days. THC also stores in the body in fat cells. So, if you have alot of those it may stay longer. Just dont try to flush– they will know when they get your results back.
how long will marijuana stay in your system if you don’t smoke often?
Q: Ok…not for me, for my friend who has decided to smoke when she works at a place where they drug test. Shes smoked weed once or twice in the past week or two, not often. How long will this stay in her system?and these one or two times are the only times shes smoked in over 5 years or so.
A: It depends on how much she smoked and how often.It might be as short as a few days and up to 30 days before her system is clear.
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