How many grams are in a quarter of marijuana

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How many grams are in a quarter of marijuana”,you can compare them.

There are 7 grams in a quarter of marijuana. Thanks for using ChaCha and have a great day. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many grams are in a quarter of marijuana
What is the equvalent of a quarter ounce of marijuana??
It should be 7.0 grams anything more and you got phatty sacked anything less and you should be mad
How much is a quarter ounce (7 grams) of northern lights marijuan…?
No way! Thats how much you pay for mersh. It’s gonna be well over fifty bucks, maybe as much as seventy. Ive seen it go for ten a gram. Then again, it depends on how dry it is I suppose.
How many grams in a quarter ounce?
how many grams in a quarter ounce? There is 7.08738075 grams in a quarter ounce

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How much is a quarter ounce (7 grams) of northern lights marijuana worth?
A: No way! Thats how much you pay for mersh. It’s gonna be well over fifty bucks, maybe as much as seventy. Ive seen it go for ten a gram. Then again, it depends on how dry it is I suppose.
Marijuana issues. Legal advice/what should I do.?
Q: A friend and I were sitting in my car, which was parked in my driveway. I cannot smoke inside. We had a joint rolled and were about to smoke it. It turns out one of my neighbors decided to call the police on us. After a few conversations with the officer on site, my vehicle was searched. In the end, I was charged with possession for an amount of approx. less than a quarter of a gram of marijuana stems. I was also charged with paraphernalia for possession of rolling papers. This is my first offense. Until that night, I had a perfectly clean record.Your thoughts?
A: The moron telling you to tell the cops they can’t search your car is an idiot. They can search your car if they have probable cause, they don’t HAVE to ask you. It’s astonishing at the guesses people pass off as answers in here.
Can anyone listen in on cell phone conversations?
Q: If the police force FBI CIA etc felt it could be helpful to bring you in would it be possible for them listen in on cell phone conversations. Are the words that trigger this such as quarter pound weed marijuana crack ,cocaine, gram, ounce?
A: Dunno what, if anything, triggers it, but they certainly can listen in if they wish.To avoid people eavesdropping, it’s always wise to buy prepaid cell service, because you don’t need to give your name to activate it. Also, there is no paper trail (contract) leading to your door.
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