How many people use drugs

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How many people use drugs”,you can compare them.

19.9 million people, in 2007, used drugs in the previous month. Thank you for asking ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many people use drugs
How many people use drugs?
I think it is safe to say, everyone, for a given definition of “drugs” most people in north America take antidepressant drugs, most have taken Tylenol, aspirin or some form of cough syrup, and many have experimented with some form…
Why do people use drugs?
lots of reasons i expect, but more often than not its because people don’t or can’t face up to whats happening in their life. sometimes they don’t want to do something and take the drugs to take away the guilt, sometimes they let themselves…
What inflences people to use drugs?
sometimes people are influence to drugs because they might be depress or they might be pressure by their surroundings (like forced or make them selves look cool).

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Q: I would like to know numbers and percents not so much whether “a lot” or “not many”. Also I could do without the preaching that drugs are bad mmkay. I would just like to facts or reported statistics.there are statistics for everything in this universe. how is it possible for one to know how many people are shot every minute, how many people die from cigarette smoking a day, or how many woman are raped a year? these too are things that are not accurately reported but the news and other sources report these numbers as precise. if you dont have a real answer to my question, go whore for 2 points somewhere else.
A: Billions of people worldwide, both young and old . Sad isn’t it?
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Q: lactose. I have only just found out that I have an intolerance to lactose this made me understand more fully why when I take my medication that contains lactose I always always have a mild reaction to them. You would have thought given the research into lactose and how it effects some people they could come up with an alternative to lactose.
A: So they can manufacture drugs without it and sell it to more people.
POLL: How many people in here have experimented with drugs?
Q: I have only done weed, salvia, and cocaine. Im not really proud of it though.
A: I have. I don’t know what Salvia is but Coke is the Devil. STAY AWAY! It will will leave your soul empty and Everyone you love will disappear. Stay away From Meth. Stay away from Heroin. If you drink more than 3 drinks on a regular basis., stay away from alcohol. Nothing can make a lovable person more unlovable than when he turns into a drunk. If you crave weed everyday. Stay away! It will make you unmotivated and take away your ability to learn properly. You will never move ahead. If your not an alcoholic, have a couple of beers. Downers turn you in to a drone. Ecstasy can cause you to have a stroke. Be sober and smart and content that you are a good person with a brain who doesn’t rob, steal, or hurt his family. Stay away! Stay away! Don’t be a Lemming be a leader. Work out your mind and body and your love light. That is where fulfillment lies. Please,please heed to my advice!
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