How many sleeping pills would you have to take to overdose

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How many sleeping pills would you have to take to overdose”,you can compare them.

Technically anything more than one pill is termed an overdose. Are you asking how many pills it would take to kill someone? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many sleeping pills would you have to take to overdose
How many sleeping pills does it take to overdose?
Consult your doctor. If it exceeds the doctor’s instruction, how many to take, it is Overdose.
What happens if you overdose on sleeping pills?
It really depends upon the circumstances of your physiological profile. Sleeping pills are aimed to suppress the central nervous system. Signs of overdose include: * Seizure Activity * Involuntary Eye Movements * Emesis * Tachycardia * Diap…
Is death by overdose on sleeping pills painful?
There is the initial massive shock and pain while the heart fails and the body goes frantic trying to restart it, followed by the lungs and other major organs failing from oxygen deprivation. Then the brain goes numb and the person basicall…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many sleeping pills would you need to overdose?
Q: I sometimes take 6 sleeping pills in a row, sometimes more.i have horrible insomnia and i am sometimes unable to control how many i take, i just want to sleep!im worried i could overdose
A: That is way too many.Talk to you doctor.May I remind you of what happened to Heath Ledger?
My friend’s cousin sadly passed away from a sleeping pill overdose suicide and I was wondering how many pills?
Q: I was wondering how many pills (Apo-Doxin or something named like that I believe that’s what he took) that he would’ve needed to take in order to kill himself.
A: I’m sorry for his death, but it’s very difficult to know how much of this dangerous chemical he took since we have no way of guessing how much of it can kill someone, so we strongly recommend that if people aren’t getting these very potent, dangerous substances from a doctor’s prescription, they don’t try to get high because lots of people die all the time from this, and we don’t know what dose dose it. The does it takes to kill someone is the last dose they’ll take, this I can tell you for certain. And when they mix it with other stuff, well, that dose becomes really small. Please don’t consider trying to figure it out on your own. Too many people died this way; it’s not worth it because it’s all a game of Russian Roulette. When you’re gone, there will be people who will miss you terribly, I promise you this.
How many grams of sleeping pills does it take to overdose?
Q: A friend of mine recently posted a status on facebook about taking half of a 700mg of sleeping pills… i’m really worried. I want to know if this will seriously affect her.
A: What is the name of the sleeping pill? If it is over-the-counter it is probably diphenhydramine “benadryl”, but if it was mixed in with tylenol and she took 3/4 of an extra strength tylenol then she probably only got about 20mg of benadryl. But, without the name of the drug their is no telling what she did. If it was a benzodiazepine (ex. Xanax, Valium) then she probably won’t die and has a low risk of respiratory failure. But if she actually took that much than she needs to be watched to make sure. BUT IF SHE ACTUALLY TOOK 700MG, THAT IS A HUGE DOSE YOU BETTER CALL 911 AND HAVE SOME ONE WATCH HER.REMEMBER THERE IS ONLY ABOUT A 4-6 HOUR WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY ONCE THERE IS A TYLENOL OVERDOSE. AFTER THAT YOUR LIVER IS %UCKED, AND YOU WILL DIE LIKE A DOG.WORST PART IS YOU WON’T DIE THEY DAY YOU OVERDOSE, YOU WILL DIE IN A MONTH OR SO WAITING ON A LIVER TRANSPLANT. YOU LIVER PROVIDES YOU WITH COAGULATION FACTORS AND YOU WILL HAVE NONE AND WILL LOOK LIKE $HIT WHEN YOU DIE. ALL BRUISED UP BLEEDING FROM EVERY ORFICEGOOD LUCK!!
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