How much are pipes, for smoking weed

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How much are pipes, for smoking weed”,you can compare them.

They can range from $5 for small metal ones, to hundreds of dollars for large glass bowls and bongs. Thanks for using ChaCha!! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much are pipes, for smoking weed
How much thc do you get from smoking weed from a pipe??
Each puff of cigarette, pipe or bong yields absorption of 4.81% of the amount of THC inhaled.With smokemiser it’s 38.85 percent.
Where to buy a weed smoking pipe?
Look for head shops (They sell “tobacco” smokeing devices i.e. pipes, bings, huka, etc.) Also look in flea markets, corner stores, even some stores that sell older stuff you might be able to get a cob pipe from.
Can I check a pipe for smoking weed on an airplane in the states??
As long as they are brand new never been used then you are good to go

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How much thc do you get from smoking weed from a pipe?
Q: dont bullshit I know weed is non addictive and can never kill you son don’t tell me its bad I just wanna know what percent of thc comes from smoking a pipe
A: Each puff of cigarette, pipe or bong yields absorption of 4.81% of the amount of THC inhaled.With smokemiser it’s 38.85 percent.
Will US coustoms allow pipes for smoking weed into the country, if no weed has been smoked with them yet?
Q: never smoked out of the pipe yet, i am not bringing back weed and there is no traces of weed in the pipes.
A: Yes, it is only a pipe. It only becomes paraphernalia when it has the resin from smoking in it. Don’t listen to these people, it is perfectly legal.
where can i buy a nice, small smoking pipe? (weed) marijuana?
Q: where can i buy a smoking weed pipe? there are no tobacco shops near where i live…even if they do sell pipes i can use to smoke weed from. id like a small pipe. my friend has one, a tiny, nice one…made of wood where you can hide the weed inside cause it comes with a cover. it is small, convinient, and can hold the weed if you dont finish the bowl. can i buy one online? any good sites? thanks!i dont wanna spend a lot too… i like marijuana.
A: in the slammer
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