How much brain damage does smoking marijuana cause

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How much brain damage does smoking marijuana cause”,you can compare them.

There are no medical tests currently used to detect brain damage in humans from use of marijuana, but it does make you lazy. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much brain damage does smoking marijuana cause
Can smoking marijuana cause brain damage?
No study has ever demonstrated that marijuana causes cellular damage or mental damage. Even not after heavy use.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does Marijuana Cause Permanant Brain Damage?
Q: Hi. I am 13 years old and have been smoking Marijuana for a full year. I have no memory effects as of yet, but I need to know: If I continue to smoke marijuana for another few years and then quit, what will happen. Will the damage to my brain stop after I quit. For ex: If I smoke Weed for another year, meaning I smoked for 2, and quit, will my brain cells replenish or is the brain damage permanant? I want honest answers, and I also am very smart with an excellent average in school. I want that to keep up and I never want to be “burnt out”, like some people I know. So, as I said before, do the brain cells replenish or are the effects ever-lasting. Thanks so much!
A: Hey Tom, weed doesn’t really kill brain cells or cause damage, just like drinking doesn’t. But smoking weed does cause changes in your mind that will make you uninterested in things like school and more interested in getting high, since it makes you feel good. That will be a very real detriment in your education, and most likely your future, don’t take this lightly, Tom.You should pass on the weed Tom and get involved in sports or activites that will occupy your great mind, buddy.I once got caught up in smoking weed and my grades went off the cliff, then I stopped. I went on to become an engineer, never would have happened if I kept smoking.
Does Marijuana cause Permanent Brain Damage?
Q: Yes, I am a daily pot smoker. I’ve smoked for about 4 months daily, and have finally decided to call it quits. It’s been two weeks since my last hit, but one thing is still bothering me: the ‘spacey’ effects occurring after the ‘high’ finishes (all potsmokers will know what this is), but what concerns me is that even after two weeks, I’m still having memory problems (forgetting what I was supposed to be doing even on the simplest tasks), frequent spacing out and distorted vision (“pixel vision”), as I call it. Does anyone out there know if these effects are permanent, or will this change in time? These symptoms were the whole reason I chose to stop smoking marijuana. And please, no “OMG ur a stupid pothead go kill urself!!” responses.
A: I only read some of the first comments on this page, and it is reaction to this, that I have decided to write my response.First and most importantly go ahead and type in the posistive on any search engine that “marijuana causes brain damage”. Now keep in mind, its typed in the positive which means there should be a ridiculous amount of results saying that it does, however, through further examination you will see that almost all will say that there is no evidence whatsoever of brain damage, permanent or impermanent. Second, I am in college right now and I actually ust recently asked my pyschology professors about this to which they replied that there is indeed no evidence. Third, and not to be insulting or to incite anyone against me, but in order to truly have knowledge over the brain which would be needed to answer this question, you would have to be something like a psychologist or someone else that specializes directly in this area. Otherwise, you’ll end up with the responses from people whose source is their dad, mom, teacher, or even general care MDs wouldnt really know (they don’t know everything about the body, although admitedly they know WAy more than I). Anyway, I dont smoke marijuana, I don’t find anything wrong with it myself, and I do not judge you for smoking. I was raised by a family of hippies…Also, and to be more personal, my mom (who has been smoking marijuana since she was 14) once told my older brother who had the same experience and worries you do that she has done almost every drug (and recently after 20 years of sobriety tried acid again) and she functions absolutely fine…Lastly, there are multiple explanations for your post smoking experiences, being full of memory lapses and such, dont worry about it. The marijuana in your system stays for a while, generally after 28 days you should be fine.
which causes more brain damage; drinking alcohol or smoking marijuana?
Q: me and a friend were debating. I think it’s alcohol. am I wrong?
A: booze kills brain cells…as for the clowns that thing pot does. There has been absolutely no proof of any harm from smoking weed. You win this round!
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