How much can you drink before you die

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Addiction Drug Abuse Health .We found some answers as below for this question “How much can you drink before you die”,you can compare them.

Most people die when their blood alcohol level reaches 0.55. How much it takes depends on what and how quickly you are drinking. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much can you drink before you die
How much water can you drink before you die?
The only information I have, I heard through someone that a woman once died from drinking something like 46 gallons of water in like 4 hours, because of a radio contest. This isn’t researched, but hearsay.
How much water would I have to drink before I died??
Check out wikipedia, or the Philadelphia Inquirer from this past winter. The average person will die if they consume 4-6 gallons of water at one time…that does not mean that if you’re working in a hot sun and during the day drink 6 gall…
How much saltwater can you drink before you die?
it depends on your body weight and how hydrated you already are

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A: It depends on the person. If they’re healthy it’s gonna be really hard to die of water intoxication, in terms of nutrition already in the body.I’d wager 5-10 litres. Why do you want to know this anyway?
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Q: i think it’s 2 pints… but i need to know for a bet with a buddy.And i don’t mean for disgusting reasons or like hurting yourself and drinking your own blood or anything like that. i mean if you get a severe cut in your mouth or you accidentally bite your tongue off in a car accident or something.
A: Eeeww gross. Don’t try it lol. I bet it’s less than a pint and that would probably go for drinking any blood? I’d ask Lestat for you but I’m afraid he’d drink mine.
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Q: if i was to drink a shot of hand sanatizer or 2 would i die??my friend bet me 3000 dollars i woudnt do it its 3000 dollars i want to know was worse thatl happen i think its worth a stomach ache or diareah
A: Yeah, you would prolly die. That crap is poisonous. Please don’t do that. Mkay?
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