Is acid (lsd) addictive

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LSD is not considered an addictive drug since it does not produce compulsive drug-seeking behavior. It does produce tolerance. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is acid (lsd) addictive
Can acid (lsd) be addicting?
Its in your mind. “LSD is not considered addictive, in that its users do not exhibit the medical community’s commonly accepted definitions of addiction and physical dependence.” Best Wish’s, Nolwe

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Q: So I have a few questions about lsd/acid. Can you answer as many as you can? I would prefer people who have had experience at least one but if not that’s okay. Thanks!:1. How can it be taken besides putting the little square stamp under your tongue?2. How is lsd measured? (Eg. Marijuana is measured in grams)3. How can you tell what is inside of the LSD stamp you’re taking?4. Is LSD often mixed with other drugs?5. What amount is considered a little, the average and a lot?6. Can you overdose on LSD?7.How much should one take on their first time?8. How long on average do acid trips last?9. What are the most common thing trippers see while on LSD?10. I’ve heard acid is like pot and not nearly as addictive as other drugs. Is this true?11. If I was going to take it for my first time should I try it if there was other drugs (something like Ecstasy) mixed with it.12. I’ve heard something about “main bases” in LSD. What does that mean? Is it what it mainly in it?Thanks again for all your help! If you have any additional info I would love to hear it.
A: Woooo! You got the right hippie for this one my friend! (Well my mom was a hippie. I actually rode the first rave wave in in Detroit. F***in’ historical my friend.) OK, Let’s see what we have here. Question #1- Jimmy Hendrix used to just put a few tabs under his headband and let them slowly soak in. Technically, you could put it up yer but or tw*t, but that’s just stupid. Personally, I liked smoking it with my bud. Yes, it really works. Few people seem to be aware of that. I just tried it for the hell of it and this is what happens- instead of tripping for 12 hours and peaking your ballz off in the middle, you only trip for 6 hours and with a very mild peak. I found this quite useful for going to clubs and raves, as I never got too high to be in public and I could always drive home by the time the place shut down. #2- Oh that’s bad news. For sales and distribution, it is generally measured in drops. 1 drop = 1 hit. Yup, it’s that powerful. But if the cops bust you with it, they just weigh it. And they weigh the paper as well. The weight of the paper counts as acid. Complete bull, right? Best sh*t I ever had was dropped on pretzels. If that poor b*stard got popped with that bag of pretzels they would have weighed every bit of it as pure acid and prosicuted him accordingly. I’ll give you a moment to ponder that while you hit yer cigarette. #3 You can never tell. You can’t even take the word of your best friends. You just have to buy extra and in advance of your tripping date. Just you & a friend take 1/2 each to get a feel for it before you go out and commit. Until you try a half, you never know what dosage yer getting or how badly it has been cut. Always do a test run if you can. If you can’t? Well that might just be a wild ride. #4 Yes. The pure stuff is usually as smooth as shrooms. But acid is always like electric shrooms. There is no explaining that. I have heard stories of what they cut it with, but it’s just stories and I don’t really know. But when it’s cut it tends to feel kinda angry and your muscles get tense and when you start to come down you really need a drink to soften the blow. WRITE THAT DOWN! Always have booze on hand for when you come down. #6 I have heard many stories of people swallowing their entire stash as the cops were pulling them over. As the legends go, their minds are never quite right again. I took A LOT in my days and honestly, I wasn’t quite right for a few years afterwards. I was not as good with numbers and I developed a touch of agoraphobia. So just don’t take A LOT. It wears your soul thin. #7 First time- 1/2 a hit. Just my opinion. #8 12 hours#9 The walls breathe. Plants and trees seem to grow before your eyes. A plain white wall may become awash with skeletons. Remember The Grateful Dead with their skulls and skeleton bumper stickers and stuff? I do not know why, but some people, myself included, see skeletons. Not scary. Just there. First time I saw mine was in a roll of toilet paper. Moving on-#10 Acid is not addictive in the slightest. In fact, I would really doubt it is even habitual. It is fun, electric/exciting, but it is just so damn harsh one doesn’t do it unless one really wants to. I have seen all that acid has to show me and have no desire to put my body and soul through that ever again. Now mushrooms,…. hmmm,…#11 Never mix any drugs if it is your first time! On any given night, an X trip or an acid trip will be perfectly sufficient. I have done both and mixing the two would be like finger painting on a roller coaster. It just isn’t done. And if you know anybody who says it’s a good idea, that person has a very serious problem. #12 You actually stumped me on that one. Additional help- We do not drive on LSD. Until you are good at it, you do it within the confines of your home and only among your best friends. It takes you up, then it brings you down. You should have booze to soften that blow. While you are coming down, the sun will most likely be coming up. Spray your windows with glass cleaner and black garbage bags will stick to them. This will extend the evening well into the afternoon. TURN YOUR PHONES OFF! Answer the door for nobody. The world you are in while you are tripping is not the world the rest of the world is in. If you try to answer the phone or the door you will appear absolutely INSANE! Though I have met a couple hard core dead heads who were always level headed. It was rare and amazing. Have fun my newbie brother! Any further questions or needs? kellydosch at yahoo dot com.
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