Is alcohol more addicting than smoking weed

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It’s said that marijuana is much less addictive than alcohol. The effects of marijuana aren’t as strong as that of alcohol. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is alcohol more addicting than smoking weed
Can i still smoke weed and drink alcohol and satisfy my caffeine …?
Alcohol – sugar addiction, not caffeine; weed – never heard of that containing caffeine; either case, taking psych meds and mixing with booze or weed is counter productive. One will cancel out the good effect of the other. NOT a good move.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do you think one can OCCASIONALLY drink alcohol & smoke weed without getting ADDICTED ?
A: Yep do it all the time…oh wait. =0
What is less harmful: smoking weed or drinking alcohol?
Q: I don’t mean if you’re an addict, but i’m just wondering is it worse to occasionally drink or smoke weed?
A: Well I don’t know where the person got their info on all the supposed bad stuff weed causes in the human body but I haven’t read most of them in ANY study that I have ever seen, there is no proof of permanent brain damage and in fact the only thing I have read at all is people that are destined to sooner or later have mental problems might get them sooner using marijuana, and if used heavily Chronic Bronchitis can be an issue.I can tell you for a fact that alcohol can mess up your life, read about DT’s and seizures, not to mention ulcers, liver damage, permanent brain damage. If you happen to drive while drinking you could end up killing or injuring yourself or others. If you happen to get up off the couch you could fall and hurt yourself. Not to mention blackouts, where you are up and somewhat functioning but don’t remember a damned thing. Think you couldn’t hurt somebody physically or emotionally during that time, think so….Just for the record I don’t use either anymore. So I am not trying to defend weed and down alcohol, I just happen to know which is the most dangerous for all the people I have ever met and that is alcohol. Not to mention all the glorious problems mentioned in the above paragraph.
Why do I feel like I could have saved my marriage with a husband who was addicted to weed, alcohol & porn?
Q: I lived my last 10 yrs with a husband who was addicted to marijuana, alcohol, porn, has had 4 DUI’s in the past 5 years, now has a revoked drivers license for the next 4 years and had an affair in 2004 and most recently is in an affair with his gas station manager who never divorced her husband, sold her house in another state and actually purchased a home six blocks from my home. My husband left me and our 10 yr old son in Feb 2008 and now lives with her. I am 47, he is 41. Wow, looking at what I just wrote it looks like I am the crazy one for staying with him. That’s what happens when we think we can change someone. I don’t do drugs, drink very seldom, have a good paying job, I am attractive but very overweight from depression and lack of self esteem. I took care of him, my son, and everything else in the our home from bills to household problems. I took care of everything except myself, and look where I am today. Sex was no problem in the beginning but now I realize it was because I always initiated. When I got tired of initiating, being ignored, going everywhere with my son alone (and not my husband) and so much more, the sex stopped, not because I was going to teach him a lesson, but because I was not interested anymore. Sex was not important to me anymore. You want to give affection when you get affection. After all of this, my husband was able to walk out of this house and away from our son and I blaming me for the affairs, no sex, I was overweight, I was never going to change, he had no money, (he mostly worked as a gas station attendant) and the story goes on and on. He walked out of marriage counseling after we talked about my problems and started on his. He has never been physically abusive, called me any names, he gave me all his paychecks minus his $30.00 a week weed money, he did dishes, the laundry, cooked some meals, was the bathroom cleaner and never once in 10 yrs complained about watching our son or complained of having to take our son with him anywhere (he did not drink but did smoke the weed). So I looked at him as being this very good husband and father because of the few things he did do. I then figured out that he was like a child and quickly doing his household “chores” so he could then go out and play as he had admitted, his jobs were at minimum wage, he was more interested in smoking weed and having oreo’s and milk after work than showing his wife any attention (for years) and more. I have been in counseling for 14 months with a drug and rehab counselor, not because I have drug/alcohol addictions, but I was trying to figure out my husbands behavior and why he would shack up with his boss instead of working on our marriage. It’s simple, I finally set some boundaries in my marriage, his desperate married girlfriend allows him to smoke weed not only at home but right before they go to work, he drives her new truck with a revoked license, she didn’t want kids so has no other responsibilities therefore has time for sex that I am sure she always initiates. I tell myself she thinks she got Willy Wonka and the golden ticket, but all she got was Willy Wonka. This is my problem, why do I feel like she is looking at me as the loser because she has my husband, like I am the wife that didn’t give my husband sex, didn’t take care of myself, didn’t pay enough attention to him, ect…. What pyscho would actually “purchase” their home 6 blocks away from the current wife as if to say, ha, ha, I got your husband. Can someone please help me to understand why I hate her so much when I am the normal one and she and he are not. The counselor, who knows my husband also, explains to me that I am the normal one, maybe not normal for being with my husband for so long, but that the marriage crumbled along time ago because of the substance abuse. Can I please get some views on this except what an idiot I was.Sorry, I did not write that I was married for 2 years already before getting pregnant, those were the only 2 good years. I did not get married because I was pregnant and never would for that reason only. I do appreciate everyones input, it does help me to understand better.Some people do change when a child is born, unfortunately for my son, his father did not. I took the risk of him changing and my son lost. I am a great mother and hold my sons happiness higher than anything else.
A: Your being too hard on yourself! Lighten up. 😉 He is a cheat plain & simple. No matter what your weight is, your career is, the amount of chores he did or did not do, no matter what, he was wrong for stepping outta the marriage as you did what you needed to do and that is do whatever you needed to do to keep the family going. Okay, so ya did maybe let yourself go because you were too busy doing what needed to be done then. So it’s over between you & him now. Get yourself healthier, and move on finding happiness in your life. When ya think of how the other woman bought a home near yours, smirk a little because if she’s not divorced, it’s marital property (in many states) and her hubby is entitled to his portion. And also realize, she has the problem now and if he cheated on you, he will most likely cheat on her as well. Good luck to you. Mary in Camden, MI
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