Is dipping tobacco bad

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Is dipping tobacco bad”,you can compare them.

Smokeless tobacco can cause cracking and bleeding lips and gums, tooth decay, greater risk of heart attacks, and cancer. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is dipping tobacco bad
Is it really bad to swallow the saliva that is formed while dippi…?
Nah, it’s no worse than a smoker chewing up and swallowing the filter after the ciggie’s done.
Is dipping skoal or snuff a mouth tobacco bad or unattractive??
to be honest, right now once a week will probably do very little damage to your health, but once you become addicted and do it more frequently, your front gums can start to wear away and you can loose teeth!
Can you smoke smokeless tobbaco?
no you can’t cause its no use of smoking no you can’t cause its no use of smoking no you can’t cause its no use of smoking no you can’t cause its no use of smoking

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is using dipping tobacco really that bad for you, or is it just a misconception?
Q: I know people who go through a can a day or people who have done it for years and nothings ever happened. Is it really that bad for you?I do it once or twice on the weekend, is that bad?
A: It can cause mouth and throat cancer and other health problems… just wanted to add (in response to your ‘additional details’) that your occasional use of tobacco may cause you to experience the harmful effects later rather than sooner (compared to those who use a can a day), but the effects are cumulative — meaning that continued use will eventually cause problems. Also, tobacco is addictive no matter how often you use it…your body will start to crave the nicotine and you WILL want to use it more often than you do now. The fact is, tobacco is BAD in ANY FORM and in ANY AMOUNT. Do yourself a favor and QUIT NOW! Your body will thank you for it!
Is dipping skoal or snuff a mouth tobacco bad or unattractive?
Q: I am 15 and i dip about once a week. is this unattractive? i only dipp around guys and at baseball practice.
A: to be honest, right now once a week will probably do very little damage to your health, but once you become addicted and do it more frequently, your front gums can start to wear away and you can loose teeth!
Is it really bad to swallow the saliva that is formed while dipping tobacco?
Q: i dip in school and i always swallow cuz everyone will notice if im spitting on the ground lol. i know it stings a little but not that much. and it doesnt make me feel like throwing up or is it that bad?
A: Nah, it’s no worse than a smoker chewing up and swallowing the filter after the ciggie’s done.
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