Is marijuana legal in all of Canada

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Law .We found some answers as below for this question “Is marijuana legal in all of Canada”,you can compare them.

A judge ruled Ontario, Canada’s marijuana laws unconstitutional last year. It is still illegal, except for medical marijuana. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is marijuana legal in all of Canada
Is marijuana legal in canada?
No, it is not legal here. We went through a stage where it looked as if it was to become decriminalized, but nothing has happened yet. Although, the penalties for being caught with it are MUCH less severe than in the U.S., and much of the t…
Why is marijuana legal in Canada?
Marijuana is not legal in Canada, it is only tolerated if you carry a small amount (less than 3 grams) for personnal use in certain provinces. That being said, the authorities are a lot more relaxed in Canada than in the states about the wh…
Where is marijuana legal in canada?
Actually, cannabis is still illegal everywhere in Canada; but some communities, such as Vancouver, are much more relaxed about enforcement. This may change soon, however, thanks to the efforts of the pro-Bush, pro-Drug War, conservative gov…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is marijuana legal in Canada?
Q: I never knew if marijuana was legal in canada, so could someone tell me?
A: Not technically legal, but tolerated. The same is the case for the UK, Amsterdam, and Switzerland, and Massachucetts, to name a few.What this means is you can’t grow it, sell it or smoke it in public. But- if you are found possession ot it, you will either not be charged with a crime, or will be issued a citation akin to a parking ticket.In the end it is defacto legalization.
WHY is marijuana legal in Canada?
Q: I’m doing a Global Studies project for school and I’m steady trying to find information about why Canada legalizes marijuana. If you know the history around please help! thank you all!
A: Well for one thing, because it isnt harmful. And it is no longer illegal to own small amount of marijuana for personal use; with that you can keep a lot of people out of the legal system.A good source that I found:
Is marijuana legal or decriminalized in Canada?
Q: i keep reading stuff about how USA is still struggling to decriminalize marijuana…but didn’t read anything about Canadians who would like that…can someone tell me about this situation in Canada?
A: Possession or use of marijuana is NOT legal ANYWHERE in Canada. It is still subject to the limitations of the Criminal Code and the Food and Drug Act. However, due to conflicting court cases many police departments in Canada are not enforcing simple possession of MJ, but are still being strict in Trafficking enforcement. There is a big difference between ‘legal’ and ‘decriminalized’. ‘Legal’ means just that … the subject is not made illegal under any federal or provincial statute. ‘Decriminalize’ means to remove the subject as illegal under any Federal statute, ie. one that is made by the federal government in Ottawa, and that applies across the country. However it could still be made illegal in certain circumstances under a provincial law, the same as liquor or even cigarettes. In that case it would be illegal, but not a criminal offence. Remember, a criminal offence is one enacted by Parliament. Laws enacted by provincial legislatures are not ‘criminal’. Cheers!!
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