Is marijuana more bad for you or good for you

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Is marijuana more bad for you or good for you”,you can compare them.

Marijuana is bad for you. Marijuana can cause lung cancer! Call 1-800-2CHACHA for unlimited use of our service. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is marijuana more bad for you or good for you
Is marijuana bad or good ?
It is both good and bad, just like most things. If you get high and then go to school and can’t think straight, then it’s bad. If you get high and drive a car and run over someone, that’s bad. But if you use it carefully and responsibly, th…
Is marijuana good or bad?
Marijuana is only bad for your lungs as you inhale and hold in the smoke for a long period of time.When you smoke marijuana you are so called “HIGH” and you will feel happy,hungry,And smarter or dumb as some people say.Other opini…
What are the good and bad effects of marijuana??
High? Ok i will tell you my opinion. And iv just read all of the other peoples answers and im quite surprised how uninformed they are about the subject. They are wrong about a lot of things but one thing i can agree on is that you can reso…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is marijuana good or bad for you?
Q: me and my friends were talking about pot one day when half of my friends say that marijuana is good for you. i always thought that pot was bad because of the addiction and getting high but my friends say its actually good for you. i know people use it for medical uses but besides subsiding pain, is marijuana good for you?
A: there is no way in hell marijuana is good for you.
Is marijuana good or bad for anxiety/depression?
Q: For anxiety and depression, is this good or bad for you?I don’t smoke or drink, and I don’t plan on doing anything. I am just thinking. I probably wouldn’t do it because of the way my family is, and I don’t like drugs.Why can’t marijuana just be completely bad or completely good?It’s always people fighting over if it’s bad or not.
A: someone on here told me it fixed all his problems
What are the good and bad effects of marijuana?
Q: I’ve been thinking about smoking it because I think it would help my shyness and depression, and make me feel better. I really want to know how bad it can be and what it does that is a good thing. Also, what is your opinion on whether or not to smoke it and why.Tell me your opinion too. And the effects. P.S I would only smoke it once in my whole life- once a year. Is that bad? And how often is it healthiest to smoke it?
A: High?Ok i will tell you my opinion. And iv just read all of the other peoples answers and im quite surprised how uninformed they are about the subject. They are wrong about a lot of things but one thing i can agree on is that you can resolve your problems without the use of Marijuana.Weed will not cure you of your problems, you will be high and having fun but when that’s all over your problems will still be there, and you will not have anything accomplished. This is how weed feels like,..-Weed makes you feel buzzy, your nerves will react and you will be able to feel every parts of your body.-Depending on the weed and depending where you are or the level of comfort your in,… you will be more or less paranoid, that’s because your brain is constantly thinking.-Your mouth will be dry (cottonmouth)- Your eyes becomes dry and you can see flashes, That’s because of the nerves in your eyes.All of your senses becomes aroused and because of this;- Your ears opens up to higher frequency, you find different types of music more appealing then when your sober. Watching like concerts is great when stoned, your brain reacts well to higher and lower pitch sounds.- You get hungry because your taste buds in your tongue are super sensitive and make everything taste really good. (mmm..bbq chips!)- You appreciate visual effects better, TV, video, Lava lamps!!There is a lot more but at lease it gives you an idea….Dont be pressured in smoking pot, you dont have to smoke it to look cool, theres a time and place for everything (college!! jk), you need to be smart about it and concentrate on more important things in life.
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