Is there a way to get it out of your system

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Is there a way to get it out of your system”,you can compare them.

No. It depends on factors, including how much, how often a person uses it, and the rate of his/her metabolism of the substance. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there a way to get it out of your system
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What is the best way to get pot out of your system?
a vitamin called b100. it burns away fat cells where the thc is going to be stored for about a month. but you need to take like 5 at a time. not much you can do about your hair though. it stays in your hair for about 5 to 6 months.
What is best way to get weed out your system?
Quit smoking that kryptonite and start exercising!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is there any way to get the nicotine out of your system?
Q: Is there any way to get icotine out of your system for a drug test?
A: None that work. Nicotine and its major metabolite cotinine are detectable for up to 3 days in the urine after a SINGLE use. In some instances cotinine can be detected in chronic smokers for weeks after last use. There are many products sold to “cleanse” the body and the urine, but “buyer beware.” They supposedly increase urine pH which actually lowers nicotine presence, but does nothing to alter the metabolite cotinine, which is what most tests look for. Bottom line, to pass the test, you must be tobacco free at least 3 to 7 days for most urine tests.
How to get rid of a pill in you system?
Q: I took 1 neon pink allergy pill and i was wondering how can i get rid of it cause i have to take a drug test?
A: Once you take any pill, there’s no quick way to get it out.Drug tests usually aren’t worried about allergy pills. Tell them about ALL Rx and other pills (like the allergy pill) when you take the tst.
Is a Fresnel lens the best way to heat large amounts of water for a solar heating system,if not what is?
Q: There will be underground storage tanks but not sure what size yet
A: What is best depends on what you want. How hot, how much water, how much sun (where you live), how much it costs and how much space on your roof and what sort of regulations you may need to comply with.The simplest and cheapest for a build it yourself system may use black polyethylene pipe. This can work well in the tropics. By placing the tank above the absorption panel the water moves by convection currents, and no pump or controller is needed. Commercial units use blackened plastic or metal tubes behind glass. In colder zones they may be glass tubes in a vacuum. Look around what others use in your region. You will need a consultant anyway (perhaps a supplier) to size the system using their own local knowledge, and knowledge about their system. The important questions are more likely how it behaves in a storm, with snow, how long it lasts, etc. Most people buy on price too.As you have an underground tank you need pumps and a control system to circulate the water, as that is how they heat the water, recirculating it through the tank and panel, adding a bit of heat each time.Systems that use focusing will most likely need to have a tracking controller. The result is that the energy obtained over the day is maximised, as the collector is always pointed directly at the sun. What kind of focusing you use depends on availability in your region, regulations etc. A highly focused beam of sunlight is hazardous, and unnecessary for water heating. The energy obtained is per unit area of the incident sunlight so focusing increases the temperature not the energy. Tracking the sun alignment increases the energy over time (daily basis).
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