Is Valium addictive

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Valium is considered addictive. You build a tolerance and feel the need to increase the amount you take to achieve the same high. [ Source: ]
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Is valium addictive?
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Is Valium considered addictive?
Yes, Valium is considered addictive. The user builds a tolerance and feels the need to increase the amount they take to achieve the same “high”. Over a period of time Valium becomes physically and psychologically addictive.
Why is Xanax more addictive than valium?
the withdrawl will be worse from xanax due its much shorter halflife. So if you where addicted, instead of its plasma level slowly falling off like valium would, it would drop suddenly and leave you in full on withdrawls. Benzodiazapine is …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is Valium a depressant and is it addictive?
Q: My 77 yr old mother has taken Valium since the 1970’s. She quit smoking about 15 yrs ago because she has emphysema. She is sort of a nervous person who worries about everything so she has always taken Valium to help with that anxiety. Now, at 77, she is depressed and thinks life is basically over, and when she gets low on Valium her worrying gets worse. Seems to me she is hooked on Valium and it is aiding in her depression. Any thoughts on that?
A: The answer to both your questions is yes. It’s both addictive and a depressant.
How addictive is 5mg of valium? I have to take it for vertigo until my ear clears up.?
Q: Right now I take it as needed which is every two days. I seem to be feeling better on it but I get dizzy from time to time.
A: Valium is a very effective treatment for vertigo. Since it suppresses the symptoms but doesn’t resolve the underlying problem (typically the body resolves the underlying problem by itself), it’s usually prescribed on an “as needed basis” – take as needed for vertigo that’s not easily tolerable. It is possible to get addicted to Valium but this typically occurs in folks who are taking Valium for fun rather than to treat a medical condition.Another medication that’s often used to suppress vertigo until the body heals is meclizine which is sold over the counter and is not addicting. It’s not as effective as Valium, however.Kindly be aware that both Valium and meclizine cause sedation so it might be prudent not to drive or operate machinery while taking them.
What is more addictive Valium or Clonazepam?
Q: why would a dr take you off one and put you on another
A: Both are very addicting substances and per the DEA are schedualed in the same classification, so there is no large difference in risk of dependence. From a pharmaceutical perspective, valium probly would be more addicting as it is more fat soluble and stays in your system longer
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