Is weed or cigarettes more addictive

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Is weed or cigarettes more addictive”,you can compare them.

Weed is more addicting than cigarettes. Do you have any other question? Thanks for using ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is weed or cigarettes more addictive
How does being addicted to cigarettes compare to being addicted t…?
You can only be psychologically addicted to smoking marijuana, and when you quit you experience no physical withdraw symptoms. The worst part is just that when you quit smoking marijuana daily life just seems mundane and boring. So, really …
Is it bad to be addicted to cigarettes, weed, and alcohol??
Yes but it is a great start when you can admit that you are addicted, you are on the right road in getting some help with it. You need to talk to someone that can help you to get the help that you need. Good luck to you.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If cigarettes and alcohol are way more dangerous than weed, why is weed illegal?
Q: From what I’ve looked up on, heard, and seen, weed and marijuana cause no where near the type of damage cigarettes and alcohol do. Sure, weed will give you an immediate effect, but you never hear about someone dying of marijuana or weed. Cigarettes are nothing but addictive cancer sticks, and too much alcohol as we all know is dangerous. If smoking weed isn’t nearly as bad as those, why make it illegal so the crime rate can go up? If weed was legal, I bet the crime rates would go down at least 50%, and jails would be way less crowded.
A: The Government are a bunch of greedy money grubbing fat cats.They realized that they can make more money of it being illegal than they can of the legalization. They grow the weed. Sell it to the big dealer who in turn sell it to the smaller dealers who sell it to the smokers. Thenthey arrest either the big dealer or the small dealer take whatever money or drugs he has. And his house car any thing that they believed to have been bot with the drug money auction that off the resell the stuff and keeps the circle at full throttleHoped this helpedpeace
Should cigarettes be banned and weed made legal to replace it?
Q: Cigarettes: Poison, addictive, cancer causing, serious health effects.Weed: Not addictive, has a thing in it which actually prevents cancer, way better effects, far less chance of dying from it.I don’t do either but you know, I think that cigarettes are much worse than weed is.
whats more harmful weed/marijuana or cigarette’s? also whats more addictive ?
Q: also does smoking releave stress?
A: Cigarettes, but a spliff of weed can also contain tobacco which is very harmful too.The addiction can depend on the person and what effect they prefer. I know people who have smoked many cigarettes and haven’t got addicted but cannot stop smoking weed.BUT nicotine (found in cigs) is far more addictive and my partner who is in the Police force was taught in his training that nicotine is the most addictive drug.
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