What are all the bad things about smoking hooka

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What are all the bad things about smoking hooka”,you can compare them.

Smoking hookah has the same affects as smoking cigarettes. You will have an increased risk in cancer, heart and lung disease. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-all-the-bad-things-about-smoking-hooka ]
More Answers to “What are all the bad things about smoking hooka
Is smoking a bad thing?
how many things do you know that come with a warning on the side of the package. not that it could be harmful but that it is harmful. not only that, is addictive. and smoking does nothing for you.
What bad things happen to you when you smoke?
so many things. the biggies being cancer (all kinds) and heart disease, and this is from tobacco use in general, not just smoking. the next most significant impact I’d say is various pulmonary disorders from emphysema (sp?), asthma, the C…
What are the bad things about smoking a shisha?
A lot of people will list tons of bad things like they are guarantees. Just like drinking 3 glasses of Red Wine a week is not going to cause my liver to shut down, occasional use will not give you severe problems. But I will list the danger…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how bad is smoking hooka?
Q: just to clear things up, hooka is tobacco, not marijuanai know that smoking hooka is not healthy, but how bad is it? if i smoke once or twice a month, is it doing me any real damage?also, what are the long term and short term effects of smoking hooka?
A: some of the tobacco has artificial flavors, try to find organic hookah tobacco…it’s not as bad a cigs cause the smoke is percolated, and it’s not incinerated, rather it’s singed.
Is smoking hooka as bad as smoking cigaretts?
Q: I was just wondering because ive herd alot of different things and i dont know whats true and whats not
A: Smoking hooka is by far worse than smoking cigarettes. Why, because at least cigarettes have a filter, and a formula for the toxins and poisons you inhale into yourself via lungs. Hooka has no filter (beyond water) and certainly has no regulation of the poisonous garbage you inhale. It could absolutely anything at all in it.
What are some creative things to make at home for smoking?
Q: i have everything from a pipe to a bong to a hooka, and i love creating new things like lounge busters and other cool smoking devices, any ideas on some bad ass things i can smoke out off, that i can make at home of course
A: How about not smoking? It is haraam and harmful
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