What are examples of depressants drugs

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What are examples of depressants drugs”,you can compare them.

Depressant drugs are: chloral hydrate, barbiturates, glutethimide, methaqualone (Quaaludesr), benzodiazepines, and MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-examples-of-depressants-drugs ]
More Answers to “What are examples of depressants drugs
Do you know of any examples of common depressant drugs??
alcohol is a depressant. xanax, valium, klonopin and other benzos are also frequently abused.
What is an example of a depressant drug?
alcohol heroin how do u not know that and next time work out your own answers instead of being lazy you are lazy
What is depressants drugs?
Depressant Drugs that make you feel confused and make thinking and problem solving more difficult. On of the most common Depressant drugs today is Marijuana also called pot, M.J (Mary Jane), weed, amongst many other names.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do you know of any examples of common depressant drugs?
Q: By depressant drugs, i mean depressants that are commonly abused.
A: alcohol is a depressant. xanax, valium, klonopin and other benzos are also frequently abused.
What other classes of drugs are there besides stimulants and depressants and what are some examples of each?
A: Here:Depressants- slow the brain down- temazepam, alcohol, solventsStimulants- increase brain activity- nicotine, ecstasy, caffinePainkillers- reduce pain- aspirin, heroinPerformance enhancers- improve athletic performance- anabolic steriodsHallucinogens- change what we see and hear- LSD, cannabisHope this helps
what are the examples of narcotic drugs: stimulants, depressant, hallucinogens?
A: Stimulants- coaine, coffee, speedDepressants- weed, alcoholhullacinogens- LSD
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