What are the benefits to marijuana

Health related question in topics Food Drink Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the benefits to marijuana”,you can compare them.

The Physical benefits of marijuana are far-reaching, widespread, and long-term. Because of the way marijuana impacts the More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-benefits-to-marijuana ]
More Answers to “What are the benefits to marijuana
What are the benefits of marijuana?
Marajuana usage and hemp useage are often confused, but the the use of hemp for fiber can be overshadowed by its ability to produce crops of oil bearing seeds, while still yielding fiber. you could pay taxes until early 1900’s with hemp. Ma…
What is the best way to pass a urine test for marijuana??
Marijuana. Marijuana is a dried mixture of the leaves and flowers of Cannabis sativa, or hemp plant. Slang words for marijuana include “pot,” “weed,” “grass,” and “dope.” The term “cannabis”…
Is marijuana bad for your health?
Well, I don’t think marijuana affects your chances of becoming a successful or a healthy person. I am a 19 year old UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA HONORS STUDENT (meaning my grade point average is above a 3.75) and I continue to simultaneously smoke…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can you tell me what the pleasure and benefits of marijuana are please?
Q: I am doing research into marijuana and need to know what the pleasure and benefits are. Please be as detailed as you can be, thank you!
A: Well for me when i smoke everything just seems to much more enjoyable. Food tastes amazing and everything you do is just a lot more fun. When you smoke you kinda just forget about all your problems and have a good time. Your body also feels amazing kinda like a floaty feeling just really chill
what are some economic benefits of legalizing marijuana in the United States?
Q: I need help finding economic benefits of legalizing marijuana. Sources must be credible as this is a college paper I am writing. I have a lot of sources for other benefits but anything at all will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
A: try this search I did for “economic benefits of legalizing marijuana” on yahoo:http://search.yahoo.com/search?ei=utf-8&fr=slv8-hptb5&p=economic%20benefits%20of%20legalizing%20marijuana&type=pick and choose what works for you, there seems to be a perfect article that you can use at:http://www.quazen.com/Recreation/Drugs/The-Economic-Benefits-of-the-Legalization-of-Marijuana-for-the-United-States.6327http://economics.about.com/od/marijuanalegalization/index_r.htmhttp://scanner.defender-scanner.com/19/?adv=1506andhttp://www.prohibitioncosts.org/try those out
what are the benefits from smoking Marijuana?
Q: I’ve been smoking pot on and off for a while now. I was just wondering what an individual benefits from smoking/eating marijuana?
A: I heard it is supposed to help the pain of some diseases like MS and cancer.. some doctors actually prescribe it to their patients.. I know there is a talk show host who has MS and he uses marijuana.
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