What are the negative effects of salvia

Health related question in topics Biology Addiction Drug Abuse Conversational .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the negative effects of salvia”,you can compare them.

The effects of Salvia include: psychedelic-like changes in visual perception, mood, and body sensations; emotional swings; More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-negative-effects-of-salvia ]
More Answers to “What are the negative effects of salvia
What are the negative effects of smoking salvia?
I’ve only heard one bad story and it wasn’t even that bad.. they just said that weeks after, they thought about their trip and were scared about what they saw. But otherwise it’s a pretty pleasant experience. If you’re in a really good mood…
What are the long term negative effects of smoking 32x Salvia Div…?
Lung cancer is one possible risk, although this is true of many smoked substances. Salvia isn’t well-researched, so its long-term effects are largely uncertain. It is likely that intense experiences may cause a temporary or extended shift i…
What are the long term negative effects of frequently chewing Sal…?
what are long-terms dangers of salvia

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Q: do you have any information on doses per extract?flatland: if you dont know anything about the topic please refrain from answering the question
A: I do not know of anybody reporting side effect after smokingthis herb. I know it can be dangerous while driving. I never done so myself. In fact one could because it is still legal. You can get this stuff so strong that the hallucinations you get gives you a total out of body experience. In fact it is advised that you have a trip watcher while you are hallucinating and be in a good moodwith the TV off. If you take a weaker dose you may be ok on your own but stay indoors in a comfortable room If you like LSD you will like the middle doeses of sativa. The strong doses can really throw for a loop. I cannot it is still legal while marijuana is illegal. If you do it start with the weakest and see if you like it.
what are the negative effects of smoking salvia?
Q: for example can it cause scizophrenia or flashbacks or any other negative effects
A: I’ve only heard one bad story and it wasn’t even that bad.. they just said that weeks after, they thought about their trip and were scared about what they saw.But otherwise it’s a pretty pleasant experience.If you’re in a really good mood with a positive attitude when you smoke it, you should have a nice trip.Just don’t be afraid of what’s gonna happen, I guess..It’s legal, so what’s the worst that could happen?
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