What are the pros and cons of smoking hookah

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the pros and cons of smoking hookah”,you can compare them.

Cons: It can cause cancer and emphazemia just like any other tobacco product. Pros: There really aren’t any. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-pros-and-cons-of-smoking-hookah ]
More Answers to “What are the pros and cons of smoking hookah
What are the pros/cons to smoking a Hookah?
Pro – cooler smoke, probably better filtered than other methods so perhaps less dangerous. Con – they can be hard to keep lit. You’re still smoking and there’s really no “safe” way to do it.
Can you list the pros and cons of smoking a hookah?
Pros…You enjoy it! Shisha, doesn’t contain chemicals or tar and has less nicotine than cigarettes. Cigs 16.6% Nicotine and Shisha 0.5% Nicotine. Cons…It might cause cancer or other breathing disorders if used in excess. Use Moderation a…
What are the pros and cons of smoking?
are there any pros of smoking are there any pros of smoking

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the pros and cons of smoking hookah?
Q: My friend and I were thinking about trying hookah. We know that it’s tobacco, so we were wondering what some of the health risks were, if any, associated with it. Are they as bad as cigarettes?
A: I have smoked hookah on and off for the past year. I also smoke cigarettes, and can tell you that a well prepared hookah is nothing like a cigarette. I have many friends that are non smokers try it for the first time and not cough or complain of any burning. With hookah, you are not directly burning the tobacco as you are with a cigarette. You slowly “roast” the tobacco with a coal. This means that less tar and nicotine is given off in a single pull. Also, the smoke is not only traveling down the stem and through the water in the vase, but also through the length of the hose which is around 6 feet. This cools the smoke dramatically. If you try it, I reccomend using ice cold water in the vase for even better cooling.
What are the pros/cons to smoking a Hookah?
Q: So i visited my first Hookah cafe the other day with a bunch of friends and i really really enjoyed it. In fact.. i wanted to buy one for myself!A bunch of ppl told me that smoking a Hookah was much better than cigarettes and wasn’t addictive… then i looked online and found out people where completely wrong…. at least according to some articles.. others said they’re much better than cigarettes but still had the addictive properties….I really liked smoking flavored tobacco from a Hookah.. is it really that terrible?
A: Pro – cooler smoke, probably better filtered than other methods so perhaps less dangerous.Con – they can be hard to keep lit. You’re still smoking and there’s really no “safe” way to do it.
can you list the pros and cons of smoking a hookah?
Q: i love to do it and chill with my friends, just wanted to know if there is anything bad about it
A: Pros…You enjoy it! Shisha, doesn’t contain chemicals or tar and has less nicotine than cigarettes. Cigs 16.6% Nicotine and Shisha 0.5% Nicotine.Cons…It might cause cancer or other breathing disorders if used in excess. Use Moderation and you will be fine. Don’t it McDonald’s though that crap will give you weak heart valves, and high cholesterol.
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