What are the worst illegal drugs

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the worst illegal drugs”,you can compare them.

While drugs like crack, heroin and meth are extremely deadly, hallucinogens like LSD (acid) are the ones with the worst MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-worst-illegal-drugs ]
More Answers to “What are the worst illegal drugs
What are worse, prescription drugs or illegal drugs??
Illegal drugs are the worst because you dont really know whats in them. Prescription drugs can be bad also, if they arent used according to your doctor.
What is the very worst illegal drug?
It depends on how you define “worst”. The abuse of anything damages the the body. With most substances, the damage is reversible once the use stops. Some cause permanent organ damage. Under this category of worst, I pick methamphe…
How Bad Are Illegal Drugs?
Drug misuse and abuse are major health problems. Harmful drugs are regulated according to classification systems that purport to relate to the harms and risks of each drug. However, the methodology and processes underlying classification sy…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What states are considered the worst for illegal drugs?
Q: I know that drugs are everywhere. I’m sure some places are worse then others. I live in Arizona and I’ve heard it’s called the Meth capital of the nation. Don’t know if that’s true.
A: I know illinois is pretty bad,but I think it depends on what drug..like wyoming is big for meth labs so they have a huge meth probley…places like chicago nyc la all big citys have crack and heroin…but I think when it comes down to it,people are the same everywere so I dont think one state is worse then another
What is the very worst illegal drug?
Q: I know all illegal drugs are bad, but which illegal drug is the worst of all? Heroine? Cocaine? Crack? Marijuana? Alcohol? Pills? Other? Thanks.
A: It depends on how you define “worst”.The abuse of anything damages the the body. With most substances, the damage is reversible once the use stops. Some cause permanent organ damage. Under this category of worst, I pick methamphetamine. Chronic abuse for a relatively short period of time can cause brain damage that affects function and personality and isn’t always completely reversible.Addiction to all sorts of things causes problems for society. Under this category of worst, I pick alcohol. The World Health Organization estimates that about 76 million people worldwide are alcoholics. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that there were 17,000 alcohol-related traffic fatalities in each of the last three years. And more than 100,000 total US deaths are caused by excessive alcohol consumption each year; including things like accidents, suicide, and liver diseases. As much as fifty percent of police work in the US is spent addressing alcohol-related problems; including assault (especially domestic violence), sexual assault, robberies, and traffic accidents. Alcohol is a factor in half of US homicides. If that’s not enough to convince you, check out all the stats (including financial) at the second link.As far as the worst addiction to overcome, nicotine has by far the highest recidivism rate. Most people “quit” smoking at least twenty times before they are successful. But the withdraw effects of alcohol themselves can be fatal. And the withdraw effects of opiates, including prescription pain killers, are some of the most agonizing. My pick for worst, though, is, again, methamphetamine. The withdraw symptoms are both horribly agonizing (sufferers are often rendered catatonic) and potentially fatal.
What is the worst illegal drug there is?
Q: Worst as in, what does the most harm?
A: crystal meth…crank
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