What can smoking do to a 13 year old child

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Smoking harms nearly every organ of your body, causing many diseases and reducing your health in general. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-smoking-do-to-a-13-year-old-child ]
More Answers to “What can smoking do to a 13 year old child
Should an illegal alien from Mexico be smoking marijuana while ba…?
Gotta love those family values! No he should not but I expect no less from them.

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Ive found out my 13 Year old had been smoking. How Should i deal with this? PLEASE help.?
Q: Hiiya.My 13 year old has just come up to high school.And She Has been hanging around with the wrong peopleIve found out shes been smoking about 3 times a day with her mate.Her Mom was really mad. And Locked her daughter in her room and burned her with the fags and Made her smoke loads till shes sick. Shes even took everything out of her room left the girl naked with nothing but fags.Shall i do the same?Shall i Burn my child?What rules shall i make?I realy dont want to let her get away with this please help.
A: Sit her down and let her smoke a cigarette. When she’s done, have her smoke another. And another, and another until she gets sick.She needs incentive to stop smoking. Getting sick from it is the quickest way. When she gets back around her friends she’s going to want to do it anyway, whether or not she likes to smoke.
Is a video of a 13/14 year-old girl wearing a bikini and smoking considered as underage porn?
Q: Should a site showing such things be considered illegal and therefore reported to the authorities? I’ve read on the Internet that child porn does not necessarily involve sex or nudity but that any “sexy” depiction of an underage person could be. I was discussing this with friends and we couldn’t agree on that. One of my friends said that watching a bikini-clad teenager smoking on a beach was not illegal, but that any clip featuring such stuff could be considered child porn. What does the law say about this?
A: absolutely not. it is not illegal to smoke, only for minors to buy cigarettes, and unless she is naked, or having sex, it is not considered porn.
my 13 year old daughter has left home – gone to live with grandparents – says she hates me ?
Q: She is just 13 – says she’s been smoking for about 6 -7 months. says she has 3 – 4 a day – she puts her dinner money together with friends to buy them. I said I would not/will not accept she smokes. she hates me now – keeps saying “why cant you accept I smoke ?” she says she dont want to give up. says to me nothing that i do or say will make her stop. I ask how she will pay for them then – (as I have stopped her pocket money) she says she will get a job ! she is acting really immaturely. she is now using her so called ‘hate’ for me as an excuse not to come back home – of course the longer she has this attitide, the more reason it gives her to live away from me – the longer it keeps her smoking . I have taken away her laptop, grounded her, took away her ipod and jewellery. she lives out of a bag at her nans, she has just a few clothes. thankfully she is going to school. they have given her a mentor to talk to. this all happened 2 weeks ago. I am sad, lonely, miss my daughter desperatley – miss loving caring, kissing and cuddling her. all of a sudden she is a different child – she is acting so rebellious so nasty so out of character. . . SHe has two older brothers who are very anti smoking and I am a non smoker too. she has recently been hanging round with older girls so I know she is torn being the 13 yr old child and wanting to act like an older person.
A: Accept that she is going to be a smoker, and bring her home! Everything will be fine if you can just get over your prejudice.
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