What can you smoke shisha in, besides a hookah

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What can you smoke shisha in, besides a hookah”,you can compare them.

Shisha can be smoked using regular tobbacco accessories, such as a glass or ceramic pipe. Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-you-smoke-shisha-in%2C-besides-a-hookah ]
More Answers to “What can you smoke shisha in, besides a hookah
Can you smoke shisha in anything besides a hookah?
Not really, you can try a pipe but it won’t work well. Shisha is designed to be cooked via charcoal. Putting a lighter will only burn off the flavor and char the tobacco. The right way and only way to smoke shisha is in a hookah.
Is there a way to make smoke in hookah different colors besides w…?
No – but buy a glass one of a different colour, and it’ll at least look a different colour while it’s inside the “bottle” …

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can you smoke shisha in anything besides a hookah?
Q: my hookah broke at a party and i diddnt know if i can smoke it out of anything else.
A: Not really, you can try a pipe but it won’t work well. Shisha is designed to be cooked via charcoal. Putting a lighter will only burn off the flavor and char the tobacco. The right way and only way to smoke shisha is in a hookah.
can you smoke shisha out of anything besides a hookah?
Q: my hookah broke at a party
A: Not really, you can try a pipe but it won’t work well. Shisha is designed to be cooked via charcoal. Putting a lighter will only burn off the flavor and char the tobacco. The right way and only way to smoke shisha is in a hookah.
What are good things to mix in with your hookah?!?
Q: I am wondering what are some good mixtures for smoking hookah? Besides water in the base, what are some other good liquids to put in there? What about other things to mix in with the shisha???
A: I’ve never smoked hookah, but I’ve been to a Lebonesse resturant that has cherry, watermelon, lemon, and strawberry flavored hookah.
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