What does smokin weed do

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Trouble remembering things ,Sleepiness, Anxiety ,Paranoia, and Altered time perception are side affects of marijuana use. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-smokin-weed-do ]
More Answers to “What does smokin weed do
How can i stop smoking weed?
its all about your willpower and how much you really want to stop smoking. you just need to resist the urge. its not like theres some magic answer that will get u to stop immediately. you just need to try your hardest to resist.
Is smoking weed a sin?
I think there will never be a dependable answer to that question. It is all based on people’s judgement. Most of the people that have never smoked marijuana, picture it as a life-ruining drug, therefore they consider it a sin. Those type of…
Does smoking weed stunt your growth?
no ,your still young wee one, men grow into there 20s..I grew another inch from 19-23 after I had babies .Pot does hinder some emotional growth though ,smoking away problems and woes stops you from attaining skills to deal with issues as an…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How does smokin weed affect general anesthesia?
Q: im gettin surgery and will be knocked out by the gas, how does marijuana affect this cuz i was told it would and was just wondering how or what happensi forgot to ask how many days should i stop smokin before the surgery>
A: Just tell your anesthesiologist about that and any other drugs (prescribed, over the counter, supplements, “recreational”) that you’re taking.Marijuana is a sedative, and may potentiate the other sedatives that we use in anesthesia. Smoking anything screws up your lung function, and makes your airway more reactive. You’re more likely to need a breathing tube, and to be paralyzed for your surgery if you smoke.Cocaine is a far more dangerous drug when anesthesia is concerned – I’d be more worried about that.If you can go a week without smoking, it would help. Good luck with the surgery.
Does Smokin weed do this to you?
Q: I know it’s bad, i quit a while ago so no lectures. But when i did smoke i thought of everyone and everything differently. i felt like i was seeing peoples true selves. i didn’t want to be touched or talked to. i just wanted to fix myself and the world if that make any scence.does weed put this “truth” filter on you too?
A: One known side effect of pot is paranoia. It is possible that you were just growing suspicious of people, and because that was different from what you usually knew, you took it as truth. Of course, drugs all work differently for different people. I feel like I experience a similar “truth filter” when I take mushrooms. Just food for thought, I guess.
does smokin weed give u cancer?
Q: ive heard dat smokin weed can give u cancer is dis true?
A: The answer to this isn’t simple. We know from very clear evidence that tobacco causes cancer. But we are still learning about the effects of cannabis and whether it has the same effects as tobacco.Cannabis smoke contains the same cancer causing substances (carcinogens) as tobacco – at least 50 of them. In addition, cannabis is often mixed with tobacco when smoked.One of these carcinogens is benzyprene. Benzyprene is in the tar of both tobacco and cannabis cigarettes. We know that benzyprene causes cancer. It alters a gene called p53, which is a tumour suppressor gene. We know that 3 out of 4 lung cancers (75%) are linked to this gene. The p53 gene is also linked to many other cancers.Cannabis also contains a substance called THC (tetrahydrocanabinol). It is the THC in the cannabis that alters your mood and behaviour. The amount of THC in a cannabis cigarette varies considerably. Researchers have shown that THC causes benzpyrene to promote the p53 gene to alter.Evidence on cannabis and cancerSeveral research studies have shown a link between cannabis and cancer. But other studies have shown no link. This makes it difficult to say exactly what the risk is. There have been a couple of systematic reviews that have tried to draw some conclusions on this.In 2005 a review looked at the results of several studies into marijuana use and cancer risk. The researchers looked at 2 cohort studies and 14 case control studies. The case control studies involved many different types of cancer. Results were mixed and the researchers could not make any firm conclusions about the risk of cancer. It was also difficult to draw conclusions because of limitations in the studies. They included small numbers of people, involved too few heavy marijuana users and possibly underreported marijuana use in those countries where it is illegal.In 2006 a systematic review looked at marijuana use and lung cancer risk. Although they could not find a significant link between marijuana and cancer, the reviewers reported that smoking marijuana increased tar exposure and caused changes to the lining of the small tubes in the lungs. They recommended that, until we have more definite evidence, doctors should warn people of the possible harmful effects of marijuana smoking.In early 2006 doctors reported on a possible link between cannabis and bladder cancer. Smoking is one of the main causes of bladder cancer. This study looked at men with bladder cancer under the age of 60, who had smoked marijuana, and compared them to men who hadn’t smoked it. The study showed that marijuana may be a possible cause of bladder cancer. But as the study was small, researchers need to investigate further to find out for certain.So at the moment the evidence isn’t clear. We do know that, like tobacco, cannabis contains cancer causing substances. Therefore it would seem likely to increase cancer risk. But we need more research to know this for sure.-
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