What does the drug opium do to you

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Users report feeling a surge of euphoria (“rush”) accompanied by a warm flushing of the skin, a dry mouth, and heavy More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-the-drug-opium-do-to-you ]
More Answers to “What does the drug opium do to you
What type of drug is opium?
Its a depressant because it slows down everything in your system: breathing, digestion, heart rate, etc. Stimulants speed up heart rate, etc. Hallucinogens are a whole different ball game (LSD, etc) Actually, one of the ways that people die…
What drug is derived from the opium poppy?
Crude opium is mostly morphine. It also includes codeine, thebaine, papaverive, and others. The morphine can be further processed with acetic anhydride to produce heroin
Encyclopedia of Drugs and Addictive Substances | Opium – How Is I…?
When pure opium is used as a drug, it is usually smoked, sometimes in combination with tobacco. It is also eaten. More often, opium is collected and refined into morphine and heroin, because these drugs act on the brain more quickly, and th…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What effect does the drug opium do to you?
Q: Does it do anything to your brain or somethin? And no i am not using it , its for my science assignment-presentation- about how illegal drugs can be bad for you
A: Opium is the active extract from the opium poppy Papaverum somniferum. It activates the body’s endogenous endorphin receptors (specifically, the mu receptors), which lie in various locations in the brain, brainstem and spinal cord. When stimulated physiologically, activation of the mu receptors produce pain relief in the presence of pain, and euphoria in its absence, such as the so-called runner’s high. Many drugs are derived from opium, and they are called opiates. Naturally, their chemical structures are all very similar. Included among them are heroin, morphine, codeine, hydromorphone and oxycodone. The all stimulate the mu receptors and can relieve pain or cause euphoria.There is also a diverse set of drugs not derived from opium and are structurally different from the opiates, but that activate the mu receptor and produce the same pharmacological effects as the opiates. These are called the opioids and include drugs like fentanyl, meperidine (Demerol) and methadone.All of these drugs – the opiates and the nonopiate opioids have a constellation of effects in common. In addition to pain relief and euphoria, they all blunt the sensation of being short of breath, they all reduce coughing, and they are all potentially nauseating and constipating.
What effects does the drug opium have on your body and mind?
A: The duration of chemical effects of opium is about four hours. The drug produces relaxation, relief of pain and anxiety, decreased alertness, impaired coordination and serious problems with constipation. Repeated or chronic use produces tolerance to all the effects except constipation. Continued use may result in weight loss, mental deterioration and death. Withdrawal sickness will occur if the drug is discontinued. Overdose can result in stupor, coma and death. Being of similar structure, the opiate molecules occupy many of the same nerve-receptor sites and bring on the same analgesic effect as the body’s natural painkillers. Opiates first produce a feeling of pleasure and euphoria, but with their continued use the body demands larger amounts to reach the same sense of well-being. Effects of Opium Euphoria sense of emotional detachment absence of pain and stress altered mood and mental processes sleepiness vomiting loss of appetite reduced sex drive itchy skin increased urination sweating inability to concentrate impaired vision death
How does a drug high (like mj/opium) compare to sexual orgasm?
Q: I don’t do drugs, but I’m curious, how does feeling high compare to a sexual orgasm? Is it similar (but just a longer period), or is it completely different? Specifics appreciated, never really see specific descriptions on the feeling
A: i dont know ive had neither
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