What happens if you overdose on Ambien

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Symptoms of Ambien overdose are excessive tiredness (somnolence), light coma, heart failure, lung failure and death. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-if-you-overdose-on-ambien ]
More Answers to “What happens if you overdose on Ambien
What are the symptoms of Ambien overdose?
People who take too much Ambien may become excessively sleepy or even go into a light coma. The symptoms of overdose are more severe if the person is also taking other drugs that depress the central nervous system. Some cases of multiple ov…
What Evidence Must A Victim Put Forth To Prove Stalking?
If you are a victim of stalking, check your state’s statute. Many states’ anti-stalking criminal codes provide that someone is a stalker if he willfully and repeatedly follows, communicates, or harasses another and/or makes a credible threa…
What are the effects of an Ambien overdose?
Very negative and intense hallucinations, seizures, loss of consciousness, inability to speak clearly, severe loss of coordination, total loss of control of bowel movements and your bladder (that’s a nasty one), loss of inhibition, and card…

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Ambien overdose question?
Q: I’m currently prescribed 10mg of Ambien a night. It does nothing for me. It still takes forever for me to fall asleep and I’m wide awake again after about 2 hours. I emailed my doctor about this problem and he said that the next time I see him he will prescribe Ambien CR which may help me stay asleep longer. I’ve also tried taking Trazodone which gave me nothing but a splitting headache the next day. I’ve been prescribed Ativan and klonopin in the past for anxiety/panic disorder but benzos do not help me sleep either. I currently take 4mg of Xanax extended release which also does not help with the insomnia. My insomnia is fairly new and seems to be brought on by my prescription for Lamictal (for mood swings/depression). I’ve tried Melatonin and it does nothing for me either.My question is, is there a lethal dose of Ambien or does it depend on your weight? (I weight about 135 lbs) I searched ‘Ambien overdose’ and all I could come up with were symptoms of overdose, none of which I have. I need to sleep NOW and I can’t so I took 30mg of Ambien and nothing is happening yet. I tried 20mg last night and I could hardly stay in bed.How many milligrams of Ambien are considered to be possibly lethal? I don’t want to die, I just want to get some sleep. What is the highest amount of Ambien you can take for sleep WITHOUT overdosing?Any words of wisdom? I emailed my doctor back about what I’m going through now and he won’t respond until Monday at the earliest.Good point Henry. I really may not remember doing this in the morning. I doubt I have an addiction to Ambien quite yet since this is only the 3rd time I’ve taken it. Maybe I’ll try calling poison control and see if they have any answers…and yes, my benzo tolerance is extremely high yet I have no addiction to benzos at the moment. I have always taken everything as prescribed until Ambien came into my life last week.***Just to clear things up, I no longer take Ativan and klonopin. Just the Xanax XR. My tolerance became too high for the other two. As for meds, I currently take 200mg of Lamictal, 4mg of Xanax XR, 30mg of Abilify and 112.5mg of Effexor (I’m coming down slowly from 300mg)The insomnia did not start until I began taking the Lamictal about 2 months ago.I THINK I SETTLED IT. I called Poison Control and they said I’d be fine. I then called the 24hr pharmacy. He explained that there are only a certain set amount of neurotransmitters (?) that can be effected at one time. He said that a high dose (like 50mg) is pointless because the excess Ambien has nothing to latch onto and it will not help you sleep any better than, say, 20mg.
A: It seems like you have developed a tolerance to benzodiazepenes since you have been taking Xanax, Ativan and Ambien. Ambien is a combination of a sedative and a hypnotic and I would not be surprised if you would not remember posting a question in yahoo when you wake up in the morning. Exceeding the dose of 10 mg a night as prescribed could cause an overdose but my main concern right now is that you might be already addicted to the medication. I would suggest that you let somebody know that you have taken three times the prescribed dose because you can’t go to sleep and ask them to take you to the hospital.
Ambien / Zolpidiem overdose?
Q: Have you ever heard of or known someone to overdose on ambien or the generic version zolpidiem? Please explain what happened.
A: I think I heard someone ask a question like this before and people just said that it caused a lot of stomach pain like horrible and it did not work for their suicide attempt. Overdose is not the way to go.
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