What if you only do it once or twice a week

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What if you only do it once or twice a week”,you can compare them.

Yes, any smoking is bad for you. The burning action of smoking means you are inhaling carbon monoxide, and tars. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-if-you-only-do-it-once-or-twice-a-week ]
More Answers to “What if you only do it once or twice a week
What if I can only come once or twice a week??
Coming only one or two days a week will provide you with all the wonderful benefits only you won’t see the results as quickly. You will, however, feel the benefits after every class, no matter how infrequently you practice. Come when you ca…
Is it bad for you if you smoke sigirate for like only once or twi…?
Yes, any intake of smoke is bad. Your lungs were not meant to intake smoke or other foreign objects. That is why new smokers get into coughing fits. The connection doesn’t seem to be made between a violent cough and the smoke they just fill…
Is pouch chew really that bad for you if you only do it once or t…?
Any use is bad for any time it is just a shorter amount of time before mouth cancer the more you do it. So once or twice a week is really bad but not quite as bad as daily

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If i take a drag from a cigarette once or twice a week will i get addicted?
Q: I usually will take a drag or two a week. Will i get addicted?Like over time, or will i be alright.Will the nicotinee level build up and eventually cause cravings or if i space them out enough will i not crave stoges?
A: Here’s the problem with that, No, you wont get addicted from a drag once or twice a week, but you’ll say to yourself oh why not just smoke a whole one i wont get addicted. Then you’ll say oh maybe i’ll smoke one tomorow, then you smoke the next day, THEN you become addicted. I started smoking the same way, oh ill just try it, then can i bum one, now i’ve been smoking for 3 years. I started when i was 15, it’s a pain in the ass getting someone to buy them for you. I encourage everybody to not even experiment with cigs because you will fall in the trap.
What are some consequences of only brushing your teeth once or twice a week?
Q: My friend does that, and now one of her front teeth hurts, and I think she said something about one of her molars too. I kept trying to tell her, but she didn’t want to listen. Do you think the teeth are going to fall out?
A: eventually if she gets gum desease which is very likely! she will get a coating on her teeth of plaque, bad breath and probably gum desease. Then the teeth will recede and they will get loose. She sounds a lazy so and so and if she can’t be bothered then she deserves to get the above.
Working out only once/twice a week, slows progress for those muscles?
Q: I do not have time to do a full 3-4 day routine in the gym anymore, and was wondering if doing a 1-2 day a week routine would actually slow down the progress of those muscles I’m working in them 2 days?I have cut out a few muscle groups such as legs, as they are at their max right now and am focussing on upper body. But I’m concerned that it will slow down my gains overall?
A: I am not a trainer, and I probably don’t work out to the extent you do, but I know that even for me working out only a day or two a week will slow down progress in those muscle groups.
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