What is a drug screening

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Definitions .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a drug screening”,you can compare them.

A process of chemical analysis designed to test patients for drug abuse. Thanks for ChaChaing! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-drug-screening ]
More Answers to “What is a drug screening
How can I pass drug screening?
Just keep doing what you’re doing, I would also go back to GNC and see if there’s something else called Gold Leaf I think is the name, that’s what I’ve heard works, but it does take a good 30 days to get mj out of your system so start drink…
What is a drug screening test?
A drug test or screening is a way to determine, wether a person has used drugs or abused certain types of medicine. Screening means that it is a test used to distinguish between people who have used drugs and people who didn’t. Most common …
Why Drug Screening?
Consider the costs your company will save and the benefits employee drug screening provides and decide for yourself. Costs without Drug Screening: Increased employee absenteeism 66 percent higher absenteeism among drug users) Costs in accid…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How acurate is a drug screening test using swabs on the inside of the mouth ?
Q: Hi can anyone tell me about drug screening using the swab testing on the inside of your mouthHow is it done?Is it fail safe?How far back does the test work correctly? 2 weeks or longer?
A: They test your oral fluids (saliva, etc.) to see if there are traces or absences of certain drugs or metabolized traces of them. To my knowledge, they would do it just like a throat culture. Meaning they would take a q-tip like instrument and swab the inside of your mouth then send it off for testing. Fail safe? I’m not sure what you mean. If you’re asking if it fails, then I suppose it could. The test can detect use during the few previous days.
What type of drug screening do they use in the health field?
Q: Well I am getting ready to start applying for some positions as a CNA. All I’m looking for is what kind of drug screening do they use in a hospital setting and what kind of drug screening do they use in a nursing home setting? (urine, hair follicle, or blood?)
A: That really depends on the company you’re applying for, and not the field you’re going into. When I was a CNA, I worked for the temp agencies. I applied and worked for 4 different companies, one did blood tests, the others did urine testing. If you’re afraid of needles, ask what kind of testing they require and request a different method if they do blood testing.
Is anyone a volunteer for an organization that does random drug screening? How does that work?
Q: I am a volunteer at a fire department. We are looking to start random drug screening. We would like to get more information about it, but are not having luck finding volunteer organizations who do drug screening.
A: I am a volunteer at a fire dept too and we’re required to take annual physicals. When I signed up, I was told that even though we are not being paid, it is still considered employment. We even get worker’s compensation. So in every aspect, we are unpaid employees of the local fire dept. Legally, I don’t know if random drug testing could be allowed. It could be made a condition of employment and in our case, a condition of volunteering.
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