What is dip tobacco made of

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What is dip tobacco made of”,you can compare them.

Chewing tobacco is made from tobacco, nicotine, dopamin and a host of other chemicals including a radio active compound. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-dip-tobacco-made-of ]
More Answers to “What is dip tobacco made of
How do you dip smokeless tobacco?
Take a pinch of the tobacco and place it in between your gum and your cheek, either on the side of your mouth or in the front. I would recommend the sides first, as putting it in the front of your mouth can hurt at first. Leave the snuff in…
How is dip tobacco (skoal) made?
I would email Skoal about it. But this is not a food related question.
Why does dip tobacco make you spit?
Because there is fiberglass in the dip which cuts into your mouth so the nicotine get’s to your bloodstream

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How is dip tobacco (skoal) made?
Q: Just wondering cuz i read it takes 3 years to make some dip.
A: I would email Skoal about it.But this is not a food related question.
Why does dip tobacco make you spit?
Q: I was wondering why American dip tobacco like skoal make you spit? The swedish snus is the same concept of dipping tobacco but there is no need to spit. I heard that Camel sells snus in America now but I am not sure.
A: Because there is fiberglass in the dip which cuts into your mouth so the nicotine get’s to your bloodstream
Can you use tobacco dip to make a cigarette?
Q: just curious haha always wonderedsee everyone wants to know lol
A: Of course you could. You would have to dry it out for several days first so it would light.You may not be able to stand the smoke from it though.
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