What is in pcp

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PCP has no links to anything that is found in nature. The only way to make it is to combine dangerous industrial chemicals. MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-in-pcp ]
More Answers to “What is in pcp
Pneumocystis carinii (NEW-mo-SIS-tis CA-RIN- nee-eye) pneumonia, or PCP, is a severe illness found in people with HIV. It is caused by a germ called Pneumocystis carinii . Most people infected with this germ don’t get pneumonia because thei…
Technically, it is a dissociative anesthetic that makes one do all sorts of really odd things. Very dangerous! smoked after being sprinkled on parsley, marijuana, or tobacco. Side effects include agitation, irritability, extreme excitation,…
PCP (or pneumocystis pneumonia) is the most common opportunistic infection in people with HIV. Without treatment, over 85% of people with HIV would eventually develop PCP. It has been the major killer of people with HIV. PCP is now almost e…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the effects of smoking crystal pcp?
Q: My friend smokes crystal pcp and i think it is DEAD wrong what are the effects of it?
A: Their brain stem starts to look like swiss cheese and they begin to talk in riddles as their thought processes get scrambled and rewired. The old pathways get fried. Pity your friend. He needs help badly. My friend ended up taking his own life. I still miss him. Outrider
How can police stop a suspect that is high on PCP?
Q: In one of my classes today, we were talking about hallucinogens. The teacher ending up talking about PCP for like 5 minutes. After listening to the fact that PCP is an anesthetic (pain killer), I wonder how police could stop a suspect who is fighting back and can’t feel pain. Let’s suppose the suspect has a warrant for his or her arrest and a police officer is trying to arrest the person. If the suspect resists arrest and the officer can’t overpower the person, what should the officer do?
A: Surprisingly not all high on PCP will cause a problem if you approach in the right way. If you get them into a bear hug situation while they are not agitated they tend to stay fairly calm in their hallucination. With the violent ones thanks to Tasers it has become a lot easier to get them down long enough to secure them. They often hurt themselves trying to get out of restraints. The other problem is when they get agitated even with the taser they some times die from the stress. It is the same with others who are in Excited Delirium.Pepper gas does not work and makes things worse. Rubber/wooden rounds are also useless.Before we had tasers we would simply swarm them with a lot of cops and get him down, often sitting on different parts. The cops often got hurt seriously doing this. I still have a portion of one of my shins gone from one biting a chunk out 30 years ago.Taser dose not depend on pain. it depends on interrupting electrical signals to the muscles.
How long Is PCP detectable in a Drug Test?
Q: I Think my frend laced weed with PCP im only 15 an feel crazy now and its been about a week will the pcp still show up in a drug test?
A: It stays around the same amount of time weed does.3-7 days for single use, up to 30 days for regular use.
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