What is is the strongest marijuana

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What is is the strongest marijuana”,you can compare them.

Hash is the strongest marijuana form known to man, when you have 100% pure THC. Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-is-the-strongest-marijuana ]
More Answers to “What is is the strongest marijuana
What is the strongest marijuana?
im a regular skunk smoker, and by far, the strongest types of skunk ive smoked are ‘blueberry’ skunk, and ‘jack herrers’ skunk. they knock u straight out, 2 or 3 spliffs and you will be smoked out definetly. there are also other types of st…
What is the most potent marijuana?
The seedless female, sincemilla. With using a bud producing food that Miracle gro offers for roses is what I’ve used in the past. But you need to get a small handful of seeds 10-20 from it because you need them for next crop. So instead of …
Is ak47 the strongest marijuana strain?
A very strong cannabis seed genetics all in stock and available to ship the same day the transfer is paid into account for prompt delivery. Cannabis seed bank you will find today in coffee shopps. Is ak47 the strongest marijuana strain? …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the strongest marijuana,how much THC?
A: Indica is the strongest strain there is, with THC levels high.The best strains are:hazeiceisland ladymaster kushnorthern lightskunk red hairwhite widow
What strain of Marijuana is the strongest?
Q: You always hear people talking about this strain and that strain.. But does anyone know which strain really is the strongest?
A: depending on where you grow your plants indoors (hydroponics) or outdoors, climate and temperature do play a part in how potent your plant can be. also take into account the kind of soil being used, how many vitamins, food and light you give it will determine the potency. but out of all the current strains of marijuana out there white widow contains the highest amount of THC 20-25%>:]
what is the strongest strain of Marijuana you smoked?
Q: i went to North India last summer and i was close to Nepalese Himalayas on the Northeastern border of India and I smoked some Indian Haze gave me a Cocaine-type feeling….super amazing, i couldn’t walk at all for 3 hours and i tripped to the 300 soundtrack and I closed my eyes and saw colors flowing. it was amazing. what were you experiences?i don’t want stupid answers like “it is illegal and bad for you.” it is my decision to smoke and who are you to tell me not to do it.
A: I know someone who grows Medicinal. It is very good stuff. I had to just sit in a chair for awhile after using the vaporizer. I was there for several hours.(in the chair)More quality Than I need….I cant really remember what strain it was, tho…
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