What is the best way to use weed

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best way to use weed”,you can compare them.

The most common way of using marijuana is to smoke it, either in a cigarette (joint), pipe, or in a cigar (blunt). ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-use-weed ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to use weed
What is the best way to use Weed Impede on bedding plants?
The first step is to prepare the beds by rototilling, spading, etc. Plant the bedding plants and then spray Weed Impede over the entire area. Once sprayed, turn on the sprinkler and wash the Weed Impede into the soil.
What’s the best way to keep weeds out without the use of chemical…?
Three things are certain in life, death, taxes and weeds. I use the following to control weeds: 1. Round-up Ya, I know its a chemical but on the toxic scale to humans and animals it is very low. Used early in the season and around the perim…
Does anyone know the best way to get rid of blanket weed without …?
Best way is cut a long stick. roughen one end.poke rough end into pool.Twist stick in palm of hand.The blanket weed will wrap around stick in a ball.remove and discard weed. You can purchase a ready made Blanket Twizzler from any good Aquat…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

does anyone know the best way to get rid of blanket weed without the use of chemicals?
A: Best way is cut a long stick. roughen one end.poke rough end into pool.Twist stick in palm of hand.The blanket weed will wrap around stick in a ball.remove and discard weed. You can purchase a ready made Blanket Twizzler from any good Aquatics or garden centre.Cheaper to make your own.
what is the best way to smoke weed and only use a little and still get high?
Q: pipe/bong or papers/blunts (dont say buy a vaporizer or make a bong because thats not answering my question)
A: gravity bong for sure. you make it using a water bottle and water
What is the best way to get pond weed out of my fishing pond?
Q: I have a nice little fishing pond but the pond weed is so bad that I can’t even fish in it. What is the best way to get the pond weed out?
A: We had the same problem. Go to your local Farmers Co-op, there is a GRANULAR AQUATIC WEED KILLER. I forgot the name but it is formatted like this: AB-12 (two letters, a dash, followed by two numbers). This stuff does work. Word to the wise: only do small portions of your pond at a time, as the vegitation begins to rot, it will deplete oxygen, if you do small portions at a time, you will avoid any damage to your fish
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