What is the cigarette that is the least worst for you

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the cigarette that is the least worst for you”,you can compare them.

Marlboro Mediums are considered the perfect cigarette and are “healthier” than others. Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-cigarette-that-is-the-least-worst-for-you ]
More Answers to “What is the cigarette that is the least worst for you
What cigarettes are the worst for you? And which are the least da…?
Interestingly enough, the most dangerous cigarettes are light cigarettes — the low tar and nicotine cigarettes that are implicitly marketed as safer. That’s why the FDA is going to ban tobacco companies from calling them “light.”…
What kind of cigarette is the the least bad for you??
Smoking is smoking. Don’t let “light”, “ultra light”, etc confuse you. Every cigarette contains the same poisons as the next.

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What kind of cigarette is the the least bad for you?
Q: I don’t know what is the difference btw light cigarettes and filters…? and wides? explain to me how that works please!
A: Smoking is smoking. Don’t let “light”, “ultra light”, etc confuse you.Every cigarette contains the same poisons as the next.
Which cigarette smells the least and the lightest and most mild taste/smell?
Q: Please don’t tell me about how “bad” smoking is for you.I’d like to know what smokers think.Which cigarette has the least stinky smell (I don’t want my clothes, hair, body, etc. smelling), and has the best taste?
A: Probably ultra light 100’s or Virginia Slims.The fact is that if you smoke, your hair and clothes are going to smell like smoke. Sorry, but it’s the truth.
What cigarettes are the worst for you? And which are the least dangerous?
Q: DO NOT tell me “they’re all bad for you” or anything like that. Everyone has known the dangers of smoking since 6th gradeSo for anyone who is about to say that thinking theyre clever, thank you very much Captain Obvious, your opinion is not necessary.And to those fellow smokers, or people who know stuff; hello, and thanks for a plain, honest answer!:)
A: Interestingly enough, the most dangerous cigarettes are light cigarettes — the low tar and nicotine cigarettes that are implicitly marketed as safer. That’s why the FDA is going to ban tobacco companies from calling them “light.”Why? Apparently because if a cigarette contains less nicotine, smokers will cheat to get the nicotine they want, taking more puffs, holding them longer, smoking more cigarettes. So the nicotine level stays constant but they’re actually taking in more smoke and tar and drawing it deeper in their lungs. I just read about a study that found that smokers who smoked low tar cigarettes had three times the lung cancer risk! So stick with full flavor Marlboros or the like.
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