What is the drug Brown

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the drug Brown”,you can compare them.

Although vague, Brown is most commonly used to describe the bud of a marijuana plant. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-drug-brown ]
More Answers to “What is the drug Brown
What is this brown powder drug?
it sounds like “coco puffs” witch is coke mixed with marijuana and you smoke it
Is Brown On Drugs For Depression?
Startling claims the struggling Supreme Leader is suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder and depression have raised doubts whether deluded Brown is fit for purpose. Is Brown ‘on drugs for depression’? The prime minister is a man to…
Is brown sugar the dangerous narcotic drug a derivative or spin o…?
There is no relation whatsoever between brown sugar and white sugar. Brown sugar, smack is a dangerous narcotic drug used for intoxication. The drug assumes its name because of its color, which is dark brown. It tastes bitter and is not swe…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does anyone know the difference of the drug known as brown brown?
Q: Does anyone know the difference of the drug known as brown brown, (cocaine and gunpowder) as opposed to cocaine by itself?
A: gun powder makes your brain receptors blurred and makes you act drunk like,coke gives you energy and mood swings
What is the brown solid drug in the Breaking Bad episode 11?
Q: The brown solid in the Breaking Bad episode 11 as Jane mixed it with some meth and injected it into Jesse’s body making him very high.I think it’s heroin,is it right? but why is it brown and not in powder form?
A: It is Herion. An Opiate. Same class as Codeine, Morphine, Percocet and Oxycotton. ..and when mixed with Meth, it’s called a Speedball. And is responsible for many,.. an Overdose.
Can you buy a bloned dye box at a drug store and dye your hiar over dark brown hair?
Q: Can you buy a bloned dye box at a drug store and dye your hiar over dark brown hair and it will come out to just light brown or light sun brown hair? Just wanted to know if it was true.
A: usually in order to lighten dark hair you have to bleach it…regular blonde dye tends to just turn dark hair orangyanswer mine please!http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=As5sW6GcQlHOVvxAfQuqEHPsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090810180836AAYig6n
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