What is the highest quality marijuana available

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the highest quality marijuana available”,you can compare them.

The most popular highest quality marijuana available are White Widow, Northern Lights and Shiva Shanti. Keep ChaCha’ing! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-highest-quality-marijuana-available ]
More Answers to “What is the highest quality marijuana available
Where And What Type Is The Highest Quality Or Considered The Best…?
Anything hydro. Usually the brighter green the better. As far as where in the world? You can grow any marijuana anywhere
Is high quality marijuana really that special?
THC isn’t the only psychoactive cannabinoid in weed. Plus the relative concentrations of the various cannabinoids exerts an affect of the physiological response to the drug. Better weed is better for more reasons than just the THC (and vari…
Does a high seed content in marijuana indicate low quality bud??
The purpose of the sticky resinous “crystals” of female plants is to attract and collect pollen. The crystals contain the most THC. The longer a female plant goes without coming in contact with pollen, the more she produces the st…

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which country has the most liberal cannabis laws?
Q: of course, i want liberal marijuana laws, AND cheap but civilized place to live, And high quality hashish available, not the policed low quality merchandise sold in Amsterdam’s coffee shops.
A: “And high quality hashish available, not the policed low quality merchandise sold in Amsterdam’s coffee shops”sorry, you have NO idea what you’re talking about. the stuff they sell in dutch coffeeshops is VERY strong
Why is marijuana still illegal?
Q: FACT· Deaths per year resulting from alcohol: 100,000· Deaths per year resulting from tobacco: 430,000· Deaths per year resulting from aspirin: 180- 1000· Deaths per year resulting from legal drugs: 106,000· Deaths that have ever occurred in direct result of Cannabis: 0 (that’s right zero)FACT· Farming 6% of the continental U.S. acreage with biomass crops (Hemp) would provide all of America’s Energy needs.· Biomass can be converted into methane, methanol, or gasoline (which could eliminate our ties with the Middle East) at a cost comparable to petroleum and hemp is much better for the environment.· Hemp fuel burns clean. Petroleum causes acid rain due to sulfur pollution.· The use of Hemp Fuel does not contribute to global warmingFACT· Hemp seed can be pressed into nutritious oil, which contains the highest amount of fatty acids in the plant kingdom. Essential oils are responsible for our immune system responses, and can clear the arteries of cholesterol and plaque.· The byproduct of pressing the oil from hemp seed is a high quality protein seed cake. It can be used to bake into cakes, breads and casseroles. Hemp seed protein is one of mankind’s finest, most complete, and available-to-the body vegetable proteins.· A Vegan or vegetarian can get all of the days required protein from a handful of hemp seed.FACT· Hemp is the oldest cultivated fiber plant in the world.· Low-THC fiber hemp varieties developed by the French and others have been available for over 20 years. It is impossible to get high from fiber hemp. Over 600,000 acres of hemp is grown worldwide with no misuse problem.· One acre of hemp can produce as much usable fiber as 4 acres of trees or two acres of cotton.· Trees cut down take 50-500 years to grow, while hemp can be cultivated in as little as 100 days and can yield 4 times more paper over a 20 year period.· Until 1883, from 75-90% of all paper in the world was made with cannabis hemp fiber including that for books, Bibles, maps, paper money, stocks and bonds, newspapers, etc.· Hemp paper is longer lasting than wood pulp, stronger, acid-free, and chlorine free (Chlorine is estimated to cause up to 10% of all Cancers).· Hemp paper can be recycled 7 times, wood pulp 4 times.· Hemp particleboard may be up to 2 times stronger than wood particleboard and holds nails better.· Hemp is a softer, warmer, and more water absorbent, than cotton and doesn’t stretch out.· Half of the U.S. pesticides are used to treat cotton, while hemp has a natural pesticide.FACT· Almost any product that can be made from wood, cotton, or petroleum (including plastics) can be made from hemp. There are 25,000 known uses for hemp.· For thousands of years virtually all good paints and varnishes were made with hemp seed oil and/or linseed oil.· One acre of hemp produces as much cellulose fiber pulp as 4.1 acres of trees, making hemp a perfect material to replace trees for pressed board, particle board, and concrete construction molds.· Heating and compressing plant fibers can create a practical, inexpensive, fire-resistant constructions material with excellent thermal and sound-insulating qualities.· In 1941 Henry Ford built a plastic car made of fiber from hemp and wheat straw. Hemp is biodegradable, as synthetic plastic is not.FACT· Presidents Washington and Jefferson both grew hemp. Americans were legally bound to grow hemp during the Colonial Era and Early Republic.
A: While I’m certain many of your facts are incorrect or misleading I agree that marijuana should be legal. If you take the sales tax alone on a ‘pack’ of pot it could wipe out the national debt and put many drug dealers out of business. BTW, I don’t smoke pot…
How would I be categorized politically?
Q: I support unborn rights and would support a pro-life amendment to the constitution, with the only acceptation for the mother’s life.I would abolish the department of education because it’s a local and state level responsibility. I support the right to bear arms, concealed weapons licenses, hunting, stand your ground laws, etc. I support a 2 strikes and your out drunk driving law.I support a his body his choice law banning infant circumcision unless it is to treat a legitimate medical condition.I support the decriminalizing of marijuana because it is less harmful than alcohol. I think the drinking age should be 18 to match the age of adulthood.I think it is of the highest urgency to become and stay energy independent. I support nuclear power and increasing the number of nuclear power plants across America.I would push the auto makers to make electric cars available for drivers who want them.I would set and push for goals of energy independence, curing cancer, and paying down the nation debt.I oppose the endangered species act because it has failed to protect one species and has only given government control of people’s land.I would raise the levels of fines on employers hiring illegal aliens.Homeland security should only be used as an anti-terror agency and criminal law enforcement should be handled by other agencies. I don’t believe there is such thing as a gay marriage and think we should give them the same privileges that comes with marriage but call it something else.I think capitalism is the greatest antipoverty tool the world has ever seen and encourage the economy, not put outrageous taxes on it.I don’t believe humans are warming up the Earth but I think we need to clean up some of the messes we are making such as air quality.I believe in a small federal government. I don’t think the general public should even notice the federal government unless they visit their local military recruiter or post office.No more ethanol, it causes higher grocery bills and less MPG.I support Boone’s plan.I support the rights of nudists to live their lifestyle on their privately owned property without the government telling them they must put clothes on. I am a Christian but don’t think it’s the government’s job to push morality, I think morality must come from the people up. Not the government down.I support net neutrality, and oppose bandwidth caps. I would revert our copyright laws back to that of the Webster and Benjamin Franklin years: An item can be copyrighted for 14 years, renewable once, then falls into public domain.We allow men to go out in public shirtless. I support amending the law allowing both genders to do the same. One gender shirtless is discrimination. I support women’s rights to breast feed in public. That is the function of the breast. I don’t think anyone has ever been harmed for seeing a breast.I think smokers should be required to pay their own way when they get cancer and heart disease. Not get public money to fight a self imposed condition.I would allow people to own their social security accounts and allow them to invest in a Roth IRA within their social security account so the people may build a nest egg to retire on. Each person will own their account and congress may never dip into it.I would make it illegal for credit card companies to raise interest rates, at will, with no delinquent activity: banning universal default.Absolutely, no more national debt. No more borrowing. I believe terminally ill patients should be allowed to take experimental drugs that have yet to receive FDA approval. Lets get rid of the IRS, replace tax system with flat tax or national sales tax. The IRS and current tax code only exists to control people.I oppose taxes on broadband internet access, sales tax on in items bought online, and regulation of online content. I don’t believe our government is up to the task of providing national heath care and it’s much better off left in the hands of the private sector. I think adults should legally be able to take steroids for body building if he is not competing in competitive sports.I think daylight savings time should be expanded to a year round project.I oppose the government regulating the content of literature, films, video games, etc.
A: well im not sure what to call it, butI agree with 80% of that.
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