What is the most weed smoked in 24 hours

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the most weed smoked in 24 hours”,you can compare them.

The most recorded smoked by one person and just weed with nothing else is .5 oz. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-most-weed-smoked-in-24-hours ]
More Answers to “What is the most weed smoked in 24 hours
Is it Bad if I smoke weed 24 hours before surgery with general an…?
when the anesthesiologist ask the pre-opt surgery questions, just be honest… no worries, but don’t smoke night before or day of…
How much weed can be smoked in a 24 hour period??
Ask Bruce Bruce 420, he hold the record for the most weed smoked in a 24 hour period
How do you get weed out your system in 24 hours?
I honestly can’t say that it is possible. Although I know someone who passed a test within a day by drinking water religiously, took an activated charcoal pill, and even drank pickle juice about 30 mins before they went to take the test. …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the most weed you have smoked in 24 hours?
A: an ounce …that was a good day .. lol
okay i smoked weed yesterday, 24 hours later, i’m still dizzy.?
Q: Its only my second time so im fairly new. i smoked really strong bud and i was so high yesterday that i almost passed out, i kept laying on the sidewalk and put my legs in air to have blood come back to my brain, i did this for about 2 hours, kept standing up periodically to see if i can walk i couldnt so i sat back in this position, well now 24 hours later (i slept from 5 pm to 6am) im still feelin a headache, and im getting paranoid, my breaths are shorter and i have trouble breathing(nothing major) but im wondering if this is going to last forever???I ONLY DID IT TWICE. :(i told myself im never doing that again. im never smoking weed.please help asap..also, i had a VERY light breakfast and didnt drink much the whole day. when i was high i did A LOT of walking and i felt really dehydrated (when i was smoking and a while after) i played basketball a couple of hours b4 smoking….so i was pretty much tired and dehydrated . does that explain what happened to me or no? i dont think it was laced because i was with my experienced friend and he checked.
A: Whoever you got it from must have laced it meaning : that is unpure…some ppl tend to do that either to hook you on the merchandise..yeah i know this because it happend to me when i used to do that..drink a lot and i mean a lot of water.. and dont smoke anything ciggs nothin for about 2 weeks..
Is it Bad if I smoke weed 24 hours before surgery with general anesthesia?
Q: I will be given general Anesthesia on wednesday and im very nervous and weed helps me get my mind off it and helps me sleep. I dont smoke too much, just a small about twice a day from my water bong., im 23. I only smoke weed no cigarettes. Im planning on only being clean over 24 hours before surgery. Will the marijuana effect the anesthesia? I asked my doctor and he was not too concerned but I till am!thanks
A: when the anesthesiologist ask the pre-opt surgery questions, just be honest… no worries, but don’t smoke night before or day of…
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