What is the point in getting high

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the point in getting high”,you can compare them.

It makes you feel a certain (good) way. Some drugs are really bad while others (weed) are almost harmless. More ChaCha? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-point-in-getting-high ]
More Answers to “What is the point in getting high
What’s the point of getting drunk or high?
I pretty much agree with every ones answers. Sense of relief, relief from stress, for work, from life in general. Drinking is fun when its right, Im a social drinker that’s it, Im not dependent on it and haven’t drank in 2 weeks. (Not that …
What is the point of getting high def TVs if Cable is so crappy??
ok, first of all people DON’T buy high-def TVs just for cable. They buy them to play blu-ray, or get directTV/Dish network, which broadcasts in HD.
What’s the point of getting your high school diploma??
Your high school diploma is more than just a piece of paper-it shows that you follow through and have received the education available in your area. There are many things we learn in school-how to manage priorities, social etiquette, how to…

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Q: I have Cox and its horrible . i don’t want to pay more to get digital . and at the present rate there are never going to Switch to HD like they said .
A: ok, first of all people DON’T buy high-def TVs just for cable. They buy them to play blu-ray, or get directTV/Dish network, which broadcasts in HD.
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Q: If you could go to a community college then tranfser to a university and finish your carrer without your high school diploma?
A: if you want to aim low, dont worry about getting your high school diploma. but if you want to goto a good school and not make $10/hr for the rest of your life; get a high school diploma
What can you tell me about High Point University in North Carolina?
Q: I’m a junior in high school, getting ready for college visits, SATs, and applying for college. I want to study International Business in college. From the research that I’ve done, High Point seems to have a pretty good program. What can you tell me about the school other than what I can find on the internet? Your experiences, etc. And if you’ve majored in International Business, what was the program like? Any info you have to offer would be great. Thanks in advance. (:
A: what can i tell u about.i juss got my letter back from it 2day.i didnt get accepted its cool i didnt really wanna go.but they have great furniture.campus is lovely.a lot of activitys and guest speakers.free ice cream and snack in between class.good school..
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