What is the strongest ecstasy pill

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the strongest ecstasy pill”,you can compare them.

4-hydroxy-3-methoxymethamphetamine (HMMA), the major metabolite of MDMA, is the most potent form of Ecstacy. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-strongest-ecstasy-pill ]
More Answers to “What is the strongest ecstasy pill
What’s the strongest ecstasy pill ?
god people are stupid. ‘heroin based’.. lmfao. first of all, that small amount of heroin would do nothing, unless snorted or shot up.. EATING heroin is a complete waste and completely counteracts the MDMA. and nobody on here can tell you wh…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Are there different levels of ecstasy pill?
Q: are some pills stronger than others?
A: yes. depending where you live there are different types of pills and theyll all have funny names, such as pink flamingo. certain pills tend to be stronger than others and theres also what they call ‘stacked’. a pill can be double stacked which is the equivalent of two single pills, ‘triple stacked’ is equal to 3 single pills.. i think you get the point. lol
What is the difference between a “pure mdma” ecstasy pill and a regular one?
Q: why are the pures so much stronger? is it because they arent mixed with a filler so there’s more kick?
A: pure mdma is sold as powder, usually it capsules. its sooo bomb way bomb than other pills. instead of it coming for an hour, then leaving then coming back like some ex does: it stays, for like 8 hours straight. with regular ex pils it has other thing in it, a small amount of mdma and a hole bunch meth or something… get itt?
What was in this Ecstasy pill?
Q: I took an ecstasy pill then once i started to roll i started to freak out. I had really strong hallucinations for over 12 hours, the “roll” effect was very strong and lasted about 10 hours, my pupils were severely dilated and stayed dilated for 30 hours. I could not sleep for 30 hours also… The pills were light blue with white specs… What was in these pills?
A: Ecstasy is heroin and other really bad things that change depending on who makes them. I’m pretty open minded when it comes to drugs, but I draw the link at ecstasy. It’s bad news.
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