What is tripping on acid

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Once you go on an acid trip, you can’t get off until the drug is finished with you, at times up to about 12 hours or even longer! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-tripping-on-acid ]
More Answers to “What is tripping on acid
What’s “Tripping on Acid”?
It’s what happens when you take LSD … LSD is also called acid . So when you get high on LSD you’re tripping on acid. You’re not going to learn anything if you don’t ask questions.
How long does an acid trip last?
6-8 hours of actually tripping. About 8-14 hours total with after effects. The primary effects of LSD last for 6-8 hours. For most people there is an additional period of time (2-6 hrs) where it is difficult to go to sleep and there is defi…
What is it like tripping of acid?
NO IT WONT KILL YOU but it will give u a hell of a coaster ride…..youll be manic depressed to complete euphoria youl be lifted up and then thrown back down clarity vs confusion … salvation may be trhe best course ofaction while tripping…

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Q: I’m going to a local amusement park for my first day of senior year and I bought some acid a few days ago and I want to know if going on rides while tripping might be just too much or fun as hell.
A: maybe too much. Try the carousel instead. Not too fast rides, your head can’t take it!
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Q: I have had multiple people tell me this, I was just wondering if it was true.
A: No. It’s not true. And yes, you can fall asleep while you are tripping although it is not easy.I have slept while I was tripping and I was still tripping when I woke up so I had to go to work tripping. lol. I don’t recommend going to work tripping…And I’m not still tripping now so obviously I am not having a permanent acid trip.
My friend is tripping on acid and he is freaking out, How do I help him?
Q: I know this question won’t be taken seriously but, it is very serious, my friend took acid tonight (he’s 20) and he is alone in his room, and he is freaking out.. How does he stop and how does he at least reduce the buzz. ThanksHe seem better now.. i told him to calm down and it worked.. and i am talking to him non stop.. and that video on youtube? helped a lot.. Thank you so much 🙂
A: The boy who is going nowhere with his life will take his girl with him.
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