What is worse shrooms or acid

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What is worse shrooms or acid”,you can compare them.

Large doses of either mushrooms or acid are capable of severely messing you up. LSD has more long term effects. ChaCha On! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-worse-shrooms-or-acid ]
More Answers to “What is worse shrooms or acid
Is the drug “Acid” more worse than “Shrooms”??
Psychadellic mushrooms are FAR, FAR less worse then LSD (Acid). Shrooms effect you for 6-12 hours, with little to no brain damage adhered. LSD lasts for 8-12 hours, and GREATLY damages brain cells. Stick to the naturals, stuff that grows ou…
What is your worst acid or shrooms trippy experience??
There was a bad storm going on with tornadoes and stuff and i was convinced i was in the wizard of oz and that i was going to die.. lol it kinda sucked
What is the worst trip you ever had on shrooms or acid??
Hundreds of acid trips and I never had a bad trip. I think if you have a weak mind you have bad trips

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Which is worse, shrooms or acid?
Q: Today during health (summer school) I got the sudden urge to just trip out and see some crazy stuff, I’ve never done drugs before, so I don’t know what’s what
A: They both are powerful so I would suggest you not do it! If you have a bad trip it can really scar you. Just say no!~MLF~
what is your worst acid or shrooms trippy experience?
Q: ive never done any of those drugs but im curious about how bad the trip is. so whats your worst trip ever?
A: There was a bad storm going on with tornadoes and stuff and i was convinced i was in the wizard of oz and that i was going to die.. lol it kinda sucked
whats the best/worse thing to watch while on acid or shrooms?
Q: I DONT do drugs. just asking for pure twisted curiousity.
A: I’m not in to drugs either but my dad told me a long time a go he went to go see the wall on acid and woke up 3days later somewhere he had know idea where he was or how he got there :}
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