What is worse, drinking alcohol, or smoking weed

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Medicine Treatment Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What is worse, drinking alcohol, or smoking weed”,you can compare them.

It depends on your personal perspective. I believe weed is worse, because it is illegal. They both have negative health effects. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-worse%2C-drinking-alcohol%2C-or-smoking-weed ]
More Answers to “What is worse, drinking alcohol, or smoking weed
What worse drinking alcohol or smoking weed?
Alcohol can give physical ailments where as weed is more mental. I drank like a fish until 19 after vomiting blood. I had a friend who died at 27 from burning a hole in his stomach. I smoked weed until a few years ago because I saw the ment…
Is smoking weeding or drinking alcohol worse?
Back in 18th Centuary the slantly people in the world such as the asians used to smoke weed whilst drinking port. But then that all changed, the asians started stuffing weed buds in each others rear ends causing them to be chumps.
How bad is smoking weed and drinking alcohol really??
Ok kid, as someone half way between your age and these old farts, i’ll give you a little truth, not politically correct commentary that these people are giving you because that’s what they have been learning for years and years and years. …

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How bad is smoking weed and drinking alcohol really?
Q: I see so many people smoking and drinking, even adults, yet there never seems to be a negative effect. Sure, it can lead to being an alcohol who drinks all day or a smoker who smokes weed all day but that’s only if you let it happen. Back on topic; even the smartest of people do these things and they seem perfectly fine. So why all the negative comments? I don’t get it.Especially drinking. Why do all the people that answer an alcohol question look down on it? Or is it just the amount of alcohol you pick at? For example, wine vs rum.
A: Ok kid, as someone half way between your age and these old farts, i’ll give you a little truth, not politically correct commentary that these people are giving you because that’s what they have been learning for years and years and years. Here is the deal, and I don’t care if anyone on here believes me, I smoked pot for years and years and started drinking heavily early in high school because I guess that’s what the “cool kids” did, so i’m pretty sure Iknow what i’m talking about, so here’s a no bullshit answer. Alcohol won’t do shit unless you act like a stupid kid, so many people drink a couple times a week or on special occasions and that is absolutely fine, BUT, my buddy who is my age and started drinking with me about the same time, he is an alcoholic, and trust me, you don’t want ot be like him, he’s not homeless, he’s not broke, he’s not ugly, he just doesn’t go to bed at night without drinking a 12 pack or more throughout the day, and another huge philosophy i’ve always urged younger kids to do, is FIND THE ZONE AND STAY THERE, don’t chug liquor like I did to impress people, you either throw up, pass out, or get so drunk you don’t know your own name, it’s a bad idea, drink normally, then when you feel a buzz, pull back a little, and after you drink one or two more, hold off for atleast 30 minutes, go take a piss, chill, THEN go back, otherwise, you get too drunk, stay in THE ZONE. As for pot, you can believe what these old farts have to say or not, doesn’ t matter to me, but here is what I say about it, oh yea, and whoever said smoking pot kills brain cells, go get a clue dumb ass, so does holding your breath lol, and i’m also sure that person doesn’t know the astronomical rate at which cells regenerate, anyway, smoking pot is VERY minimally bad for you physically, ofcourse anytime you inhale smoke, you will slowly collect a black “tarry” residue on the inside of your lungs, and after a few years, you might develop a cough that shows up a few times a day, I know i did, so don’t believe the hype against pot, it won’t kill you, it’s arguable WAY safer than alcohol, and i mean WAY WAY safer, but here’s the downside, pot KILLS your motivation, and yes, you can have a job and smoke pot, yes you can go to school and smoke pot, but trust me kid, over time you’ll see what I mean, after smoking pot for about 10 years I looked back on it and I realized how much valuable time I wasted waitingon the next bowl, my honest advice, don’t do either, but if you do, DO THEM AT YOUR HOUSE, do not drive around and smoke pot unless you want to go to jail, and certainly don’t drink and drive, they’ll lock you up quick for that, you don’t know this yet because you can’t look back on all that time, but high school really doesn’t matter, don’t let kids pressure you into doing anything you don’t want to do, trust me, the day you walk across the stage and graduate, that’s it, nobody sits around in big groups after graduating and talks about ‘all the fun we had in high school,” if I had it to do over again, i’d say fuck everybody there, i’m going to class and going home because now I can look back and realize that it really doesn’t matter, do what you want kid, but my advice which is coming from someone probably alot closer to your age, you would be doing yourself a favor to never smoke pot.
Whats worse for your health smoking weed or drinking alcohol, give some reasoning?
Q: So pretty much getting drunk or high off weed, which is worse for you I have heard both answers, give some reasoning if you have any
A: Alcohol abuse is by far the worst. It is the biggest killer and causes damage to the: * Brain – heavy drinkers suffer brain shrinkage (loss of brain cells) and even moderate drinking may affect brain function * Liver – heavy drinking can cause fatty deposits in the liver, eventually leading to cirrhosis. A liver damaged by alcohol cannot process the nutrients in food or eliminate toxins from the blood * Stomach – alcohol is a common cause of gastritis and stomach bleeding * Blood and heart – alcohol is an important cause of high blood pressure (hypertension), itself a cause of strokes * Cancer – excessive drinking doubles the risk of cancer of the gullet, trebles the risk of cancer of the throat and quadruples the risk of cancer of the voice box. There is evidence that it can increase the risk of breast cancer * Nervous system – drinking large amounts can cause nerve pains or tightening in the arms and legsWeed mainly causes problems with the brain and can affect mental health.
What worse drinking alcohol or smoking weed??
A: look at the statistics,drunk driving kills! it has killed someone in my family! the guy passed out and crossed the center line!
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