What is worse, marijuana, or cigarettes

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Health Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “What is worse, marijuana, or cigarettes”,you can compare them.

Marijuana contains more harmful tars than tobacco, one joint can equal about 8 cigarettes. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-worse%2C-marijuana%2C-or-cigarettes ]
More Answers to “What is worse, marijuana, or cigarettes
What’s worse, Marijuana or Cigarettes?
Cigs do have more chemicals. But some Maryjane is laced with some crazy S like angel dust. As soon as you hit the pipe a rainbow shoots out its crazy. Definitely cigs are worse.
Which is worse for you, marijuana or cigarettes?
Tobacco is a specific POISONOUS weed. It has nicotine in it to keep things from eating it. It also has a great deal of other funky chemicals in it, including several carcinogens. Thus just chewing or dipping it still exposes you to carcinog…
What Is Worse Cigarettes Or Marijuana|
nothing, and cigarettes are worse people die every year from drunk driving and lung cancer (caused by cigarettes) marijuana. Worse, while bill c- purports to target “serious” drug offences, its terms and cigarettes, and is not an …

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just a poll but which do you think is worse cigarettes or marijuana?
Q: I know both are bad but im going to be doing a debate on weather or not cigarettes should be criminalized or if marijuana should be legalized. those are the only two options i have so please if you had to make one choice would it be to make cigarettes legal and marijuana stay illegal or make cigarettes illegal and marijuana legal?and if you have any sites that may have influenced you choice please let me know what they are thanks a bunch
A: Cigarette’s are worse because they cause tar to form at the bottom of your lungs which make them turn black also indicating lung cancer. They also kill alveoli.
Why is marijuana illegal when cigarettes and alcohol are much worse?
Q: I used to smoke marijuana, and I am confused why, after all of the scientific study, why marijuana has remained illegal when tobacco is so much worse, and alcohol is so much worse. Marijuana is nowhere near as addictive, and is in no way destructive to the body.
A: Because the goverment can make money selling Alcohol and Tabaco. The prices can be controlled on both products. On Marirjuana on the other hand, is a plant that anyone can grow and the prices cannot be controlled on marijuana and the goverment cant make money off of it.
What’s worse, Marijuana or Cigarettes?
Q: I’m just curious to see your opinions, and in my opinion cigarettes are WAY worse because of the chemicals that are in them. Marijuana is just an herb, straight from the ground/earth itself.
A: Cigs do have more chemicals. But some Maryjane is laced with some crazy S like angel dust. As soon as you hit the pipe a rainbow shoots out its crazy. Definitely cigs are worse.
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