What would happen if you smoked cat nip

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What would happen if you smoked cat nip”,you can compare them.

Smoking catnip will do nothing for you – it will not give you any type of high. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-would-happen-if-you-smoked-cat-nip ]
More Answers to “What would happen if you smoked cat nip
What would happen if you smoked Cat Nip?
Yeah tried it. It doesn’t burn. lol
Is it possible to smoke cat nip?
Catnip has a relaxing effect on humans. They’ve been using it as a tea for thousands of years. Smoking it has mild sedative qualities, but it’s not really brought out on it’s own. Mixing it 50/50 with tobacco is incredibly relaxing without …
Can you smoke cat nip?
Here is a link you can read about smoking catnip http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/8959

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What would happen if you smoked Cat Nip?
Q: I’d like to hear from the voices of experience. Thank you.Oops, the poll question is supposed to be, HAVE YOU SMOKED CAT NIP?Thank you!
A: Yeah tried it.It doesn’t burn.lol
what would happen if i smoke cat nip?
Q: lol lmao i was wondering what it would do. cause i dont have any weed… so i thought i would try it. but idk like would it kill me?wow lol i was jw Thanks
A: You’ll get sick.
I smoked cat nip, what’s going to happen to me?
Q: 3-4 months ago I smoked cat nip. It was actually accidently because my best friend was immitating her ex who’s a pot head, and I was filming her during the process. When she took a puff out of it, she started choking and I told her to pass it over and I started smoking it fine. I never smoked before. Cat nip was the first thing I tried and it started to smell like weed in the room and my breath, so we threw it away. I only took 6 puffs. Is anything going to happen to me if I continue the use of cat nip? I REALLY love the taste. It was a minty flavor but I’m concerned if that will bother my health.LOL you people are so funny.
A: Won’t hurt you (worse than smoking anything else). I doubt it will do anything else for you, though people do drink it as tea. It’s supposed to be calming.
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