What would one gram of weed look like

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What would one gram of weed look like . I gram is roughly the size of 2-3 dimes, as in 10cent pieces put beside each other.ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-would-one-gram-of-weed-look-like ]
More Answers to “What would one gram of weed look like
What does 1 gram of weed look like
It looks exactly like 1 pound of weed, just in a smaller amount.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what does a gram of weed look like?
Q: idk they where talking about it in a movie, saying there going to sell a gram of it. what does a gram look like? comare it to something.
A: If it is in finely powdered form then it will be slightly more than 1 / 4 th of a tea spoon .click the link to see a bottle http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i131/andrew420420/Cannabis-Powder-B.jpgOther forms of cannabis sativa –http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:HOresin.jpghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:HOcannabis.jpghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:HOgrass.jpg
What does a gram of weed look like size-wise?
Q: I recently bought what is ostensibly a gram, and although I’m rather inexperienced, it seems small to me. It’s one “nug”, about 1 inch long and 1/2 inch across. I payed 15 bucks for it and had my buddy pick it up for me. Did I get ripped off?Note to all the player-haters: Do your research. Weed is not addictive, and it can’t kill you. Of course, there are some moderate health issues to be concerned about. But these issues are no more serious than those associated with alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, or even fast food. And we generally think it’s acceptable to allow adults (like myself) to make their own decisions about these health risks. And I don’t even smoke that much (less than once per month). So please, no preaching.
A: It all really differs with the strain, y’know?Light, fluffy….Sticky, heavy.It’s all different. If it’s a tight bud, it’s often smaller in size.Live in the states? Your weed is going to suck.Fifteen dollars is also too much for a gram, unless it’s the best damn weed in the country. I suggest moving to Canada.I hope I helped. Now go get stoned!
10 points to who ever can provide me with a picture of what half a gram of weed looks like.?
A: i can paint you a mental pic…. a cigarette sized joint weighs 1 gram
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