Where can I get ecstasy

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Where can I get ecstasy”,you can compare them.

You can buy Ecstasy from a drug dealer. It is a Schedule I controlled substance so it’s possession is illegal. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/where-can-i-get-ecstasy ]
More Answers to “Where can I get ecstasy
Is ecstasy addictive?
if it’s clean it shouldn’t be chemically addictive but it can become a hard to break habit
How do you get ecstasy out of your system?
Ecstasy can be tough to get out of your system. Different pills contain different chemicals so you can’t really pin point what you are trying to flush out. Some pills contain methamphetamine while others may have portions of heroine include…
What is an ecstacy pill?
A drug that is very dangerous….You can die from simply taking one pill…I know someone that that happened too. It gives you are really crazy trip with extreme paranoia. I would NEVER take ecstacy.

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Q: 1 of 4 club drugs, Ecstasy, where did it originate?
A: I believe it was used in Psychiatric circles for marriage couples therapy at one point, but the narcotic side effects proved to be too strong and too random for it to be considered effective with consistent “treatment”.The FDA would have banned its use and after that, I don’t know how it got into the streets and became the “Rave” drug of choice…
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A: Cnn News with Robin or Cnnnews/robin.com I think, yesterday 7/11/07
What is the film where Bob from Emmerdale gets high on ice cream and ecstasy?
Q: I saw a dead funny film where Bob from emmerdale plays an undercover cop who gets high on a mr whippy laced with ice cream…..what is the film? Is it raining stones?
A: I think its Going Off Big Timehttp://www.imdb.com/title/tt0241492/Hope that helps
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