Where can i get some hash oil

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Where can i get some hash oil”,you can compare them.

You can probably get some hash oil from your local drug dealer. Do you have any other questions? Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/where-can-i-get-some-hash-oil ]
More Answers to “Where can i get some hash oil
How do you get the Hash Oil out ?
heath it up a little, and put 3 drops on your smoke. after inhaling you will be in outerspace for log time Alfred
Does anyone know where I can get such a piece? ed’s hash and oil …?
Greetings All, When you become a connoisseur as myself you will find yourself having many pipes and smoking apparatus. There were two pipes mentioned in this thread and I will discuss both. Almost all of my pipes come from either personal f…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What Is The Difference Between Pot And Hash Oil?
Q: Does anyone know the difference between smoking pot or hash oil,I dont smoke it but a friend of mine does and I think he is STUPID he says Hash Oil is the same thing as Pot!I DISAGREE I think hash oil is worse? But not being a smoker of either I really dont know could someone help me out, so I have Facts to stick in his Face! Thanks
A: Hash oil is basically the THC of marijuana that has been extracted to an oil. Think of it as distilling the pot and concentrating all the happy chemicals of a large amount down to a very small amount of strong strong liquid.Hash (or Hashish), is the solid form of what you get from ‘cooking down’ pot. Hash oil is what you get if you add oil to the equation, and want to get rid of the solid.
hey where can i buy a small glass container where i can put hash oil in it?
Q: plz give me store names not websites
A: Why, wherever hash oil containers are sold, of course. Tobacco, “smoke shops” adult paraphernalia stores.Seems like you may not have enough left to bottle, since you’re in the cars and transportation section.
How do you get the Hash Oil out ?
Q: I have 1 gram vial of hash oil and this stuff is thicker then honey. What is the best method to get a little bit of the oil into my crackpipe/light bulb contraption?It sticks to any needle I poke at it and I’m not sure about blotting it with paper towels. Thanks & God Bless
A: heath it up a little, and put 3 drops on your smoke. after inhaling you will be in outerspace for log timeAlfred
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