Where can I get white widow weed

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Where can I get white widow weed”,you can compare them.

You can purchase White Widow marijuana seeds from Holland! The marijuana would be difficult to find in the USA. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/where-can-i-get-white-widow-weed ]
More Answers to “Where can I get white widow weed
Is there supposed to be seeds in white widow weed?
“The grower” obviously is not very good at what he does. What you got was most likely white widow, but poorly grown white widow. Good bud will have no seeds in it. This is also called sinsemilla (spanish for without seeds). If you…
How much is a quarter pound of white widow weed?
I wouldn’t know. I don’t smoke weed.
What is white widow called in Spanish….. The weed plant??
they dont have names in spanish, they are called White Widow and Purple Haze, but if you want a translation, White Widow means “Viuda Blanca” and Purple Haze means “Niebla Purpura” or “Bruma Purpura”

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is there supposed to be seeds in white widow weed?
Q: My friend got weed called white widow which I hear is a crazy high. He got it and it wasn’t white which images online show but it was still the best dank i’ve seen. It also had these seeds in it that looked like they were grown naturally on it and the grower said it is just how it grows. Do you smoke the seeds? Do you crush them? Is it a scam or sign of bad pot? And also is all white widow always supposed to be white?
A: “The grower” obviously is not very good at what he does.What you got was most likely white widow, but poorly grown white widow. Good bud will have no seeds in it. This is also called sinsemilla (spanish for without seeds). If you find seeds in your bag it means that the male plants were not separated when they should have been.When male and female plants are allowed to grow near one another and begin to flower the male pollenates the female and causes it to grow seeds. Female cannabis plants that are separated before flowering do not grow seeds and therefore have much higher THC contents (they are stronger).So, in short, you most likely got white widow, but poorly grown white widow.DON’T SMOKE THE SEEDS!!!!!!!! YOU WILL HAVE A TERRIBLE HEADACHE!!!!!!
How long does one blunt of weed(white widow) stay in your system?
Q: I’m about 105 pounds and im gona smoke one blunt by myself. How long will it stay in my system? What should I do to get it out of my system quicker. I am going to take a drug test in like march, so if I smoke now will it show up when i take the drug test?
A: If you are worried about it, don’t smoke it.
I’ve smoked this weed called white widow, I was wondering what was it and why is it called that?
A: From what I understand from over- hearing others talking, (I wouldn’t know first hand) growing is becoming a lot like growing Tulips or Orchids. There is a huge movement towards developing breeds and naming them yourself, and a lot of people are using a lot of Botanical knowledge to grow for not only power but taste and color and the prestige of developing your own breed or improving on an existing one.Basically, from what I understand from reading…only from reading…what you had was just normal “weed” that someone lovingly cross-bred and named.Of course, I really wouldn’t know for sure.P.S. Check an online seed bank and see if you can find the name.
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