Where do you buy ecstacy

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Where do you buy ecstacy”,you can compare them.

Since Ecstacy (MDMA) is an illegal drug I wouldn’t know where to purchase it. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/where-do-you-buy-ecstacy ]
More Answers to “Where do you buy ecstacy
Where to Buy Ecstasy
So you need to buy ecstasy online . The question is which is the best online ecstasy store where you can buy ecstasy at the best price. Buying ecstasy online could be a difficult task. Keep in mind that ecstasy is banned in many countries s…
Where can I buy Ecstacy Herbal Cigarettes in Washington DC??
It is not available here. It is illegal.
Is it legal to buy ecstasy?
MDMA is legally controlled in most of the world under the UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances and other international agreements, although exceptions exist for research. Generally, the unlicensed use, sale or manufacture of MDMA are al…

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Where can I buy Ecstacy Herbal Cigarettes in Washington DC?
Q: I really need to buy some but I have no idea where to go! I can’t order them online, so I need to find a store that sells them, any help at all would be so appreciated!!!
A: It is not available here. It is illegal.
ECSTACY CIGARETTES Can i buy them In California?
Q: EC STACY CIGARETTES , Would like to buy them at a store, but not sure if its legal in the state of california, what do you think ?and plz don’t give me your propaganda, just tell me if it is or not
A: dude their fucking nasttty.don’t even bother.
What do you think was in the “Ecstacy” that I bought?
Q: Nothing about the effects of these tabs i took was anything like “Ecstacy” I have done in the past. For starters, the onset of the effects were far more delayed than they are with E I have done in the past. Closer to 2 hours before anything undeniable was detected. There was no grinding of the teeth. It was far more visual than any E I have tried. Within a couple hours of feeling the first effects I became aware of my hunger. I often dont eat much at all for the good part of a day after doing E and am generally oblivious to my hunger. Also the effects kept getting stronger and stronger, even past the 4 hour mark. With E I am usually craving more close to the four hour mark if not sooner. Really, this felt a lot like LSD, in terms of the visual qualities and intensity of the effects, but having done plenty of acid I know this is not what it was. Also I was able to achieve and maintain a fully functional and reliable erection, also able to climax. This is not so with E.As I said, the effects kept getting stronger, well into the experience, to the point that I was really beginning to get fearful for my well-being. The high was so overwhelming I could only hold myself together by keeping all noises to a minimum and the room dark, eventually i just passed out and slept for close to 6 hours feeling well rested when I awoke with little or no hangover. This is quite different to E, which usually leaves me feeling pretty rough the folowing day and in desperate need of sleep. Also no depression or melancholy in the following days. I had bought several pills and continued experimenting with what I had left. The first time was 2 tabs seperated by a few hours and was too intense for me. 1 by itself was enjoyable but did not provide the undeniable rush I assosciate with E. 1.5 taken in one dosage again created an overwhelming high, similar to LSD in its intensity, but shorter lived.
A: no ideadoing drugs is sorta like playing Russian Rouletteyou never know what to expect
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