Which is worse cigarettes or weed

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Which is worse cigarettes or weed”,you can compare them.

Cigarettes are normally worse because of the additives and chemicals that are added to them in the processing plant. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/which-is-worse-cigarettes-or-weed ]
More Answers to “Which is worse cigarettes or weed
Which is worse? Cigarettes or weed?
Cigarettes, although weed can be as bad. Look at how you smoke a cigarette. Look at how you smoke a joint. I feel the ciggy is really bad
Is weed worse than cigarettes?
Medically, marijuana is not addictive and does not contain anywhere near the same amounts of carcinogens and health threats that cigarettes do. Pure marijuana is an organic material that contains almost no chemicals that are harmful to the …
What’s Worse Cigarettes Or Weed?
Cigarettes because weed is natural an cigarettes have alot of harmful chemicals added to them

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How do you stop a drug user / Is weed worse then cigarettes?
Q: Ok yesterday my friend (we are 13) tryed his first joint of weed and im worried for his health. His older sister who is also a junkie gives to him, so how do i stop it? Also as a side question, is weed worse the cigarettes? Weed is natural but cigarettes are chemicals and crap
A: I would never tell a 13 year-old that any drug is ok, ok? but there are worse things than weed, and cigarettes and alcohol are two of them. Most people who try pot grow out of it, or don’t like it. pot is not physically addictive like cigs and alcohol, it just makes a person lazy, and sometimes useless.If you can enjoy your life without using mind-altering substances, your life will likely be far better than the lives of people who use mind-altering substances, and that is the path to success, happiness, a happy family, etc. But be careful about passing judgement on people who choose a different path—just stay away from bad things, but keep being a friend to your friends, ok? Friendship is important. And a friend with a substance problem needs friends, clear-thinking friends, non-judgemental friends.
Which is worse, smoking weed or smoking cigarettes?
Q: everyone says its weed but i think its cigarettes. whats worse? and why?
A: cigarettes:tarureatobaccoarsonic+alot of other poisonscauses:mouth cacerthroat cancerlung cancerbad breathyellow teethdesensitized tongueathsmadecrease in brain cellsweed:weedcauses:lung cancerbad breathimpared cognitive abilitydecrease in brain cellsyou decide
What do you think is worse to smoke: Cigarettes or Weed?
Q: I say weed is worse. Although cigarettes are known to cause more diseases, cigarettes still allow you to be in control. On the other hand, when you smoke weed, your not in control and anything can happen.
A: both
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