Which is worse getting high or getting drunk

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Which is worse getting high or getting drunk”,you can compare them.

For most addictive drug alcohol falls behind cocaine and heroine. Although, it is ranked higher in addictiveness than marijuana. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/which-is-worse-getting-high-or-getting-drunk ]
More Answers to “Which is worse getting high or getting drunk
What is worse getting high or getting drunk?
Getting high is way better, the buzz isn’t incapacitating, it won’t kill you, you won’t become an addict, and it’s better for your health. Getting drunk is fun too though, makes me more social, but it comes with more risks. I’ve never gotte…
What is worse? constantly getting high or constantly getting drun…?
Alcohol is so, so, so much worse for you than marijuana. It leads to physical dependence and can kill you. It destroys your liver, and you can actually die from Alcohol withdrawals. Marijuana, while not good for you, is nowhere near as dang…
Which is worst your body? Getting drunk or getting high??
Cigarettes are far more harmful than weed. Cigarettes can cause cancer while weed can help heal some times of cancer. There are pores in your lungs that are only made and will only let marijuana smoke go through them. So it makes you thin…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

for a teenager which is worse- occasionally getting drunk, or high?
Q: for a teenager is drinking alcohol or smoking marijuana worse? and i only mean like getting drunk once a week or once every other week, and same with getting high. Which is scientifically and physically worse for your body?
A: Getting drunk by far. Getting high has been proven to even be good for us in some ways.
Is getting high worse then getting drunk?
Q: I want to quit drinking but my friends say stop smoking and i wanna know witch one is worse.
A: The use of Alcohol does alot of things to the human body. It kills off your Liver, Kidneys, Heart… etc… On the other hand Bud just messes with you mind. it coat’s the inside of your lungs. Your lungs can heal themselves.
Whats worse-getting drunk, or high?
Q: First of all, I do neither of these things.What do you think is worse for a teenager to do-get drunk off a few beers, or get high off weed for about an hour?I think getting drunk would be worse, because you lose all self control and can get a bad hang over, and the effect lasts longer, but maybe my facts arent straight.
A: I never got high, and I did not like getting drunk. Yep I am like that.
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